Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

To long of a ban, I believe.

(1/4) > >>

1. STEAM_0:0:35234128
2. no nickname present

3. [mR] Roggeh

4. Trouble in Terrorist Town. (TTT)

5. I proceeded to push Deacon off of the map because he was in active and I believed him to be afk.  Once the round was over he proceeded to vote ban me, which 2 out of 5 voted Yes, and the majority of the people online said not to do it, but I said to say yes because I was guilty of the reason I was being banned for.

6. When I was banned it said for 60 mins, but now it is saying 2 days, which I believe is outrages because people prop push other people almost every other round.

7. n/a (Because I didn't think I would be making an appeal because it was suppose to be only an hour (been a couple of hours now)


it is your first offence?

I believe it is, there isn't anything else on my record, besides me name changing during a game by accident.

For 1st time prop pushing, a couple of hours at most.
But 2 days?

It's not your first offence. I recall issues with you a nice while ago when I was VIP... or when I just became admin maybe. I didn't extend the ban though.
The reason the other bans don't show up on Source Bans is because coolz clears out all expired bans every now and then.


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