Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Too long of a ban for such a small crime
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players Nickname
blue strikah
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
5. Description of the event(s)
Well it started when i killed a T in the map Minecraft then Stone cold RDM me 2 minutes later because "I was lying" and "I didn't kill a T" after that i was a little mad he killed me but we moved on to the next map Juvenile (the map that has the room that flashes lights and plays techno) but i went afk for 1 minute then came back to hear everyone saying stone shot a guy and killed him. But nobody was taking any action so i shot him in the head and it turns out he was T then i type "Payback" and moved on my way well the next round i was AFK the whole round and when i came back someone thought i wasn't playing because of stone or something like that, he was going to rdm me. So i said "Ha i'll make stone wish he didn't rdm me" Then few seconds later I'm banned for 5 days and the reason is "General Idiot". I'm pretty sure what i did was not worth a 5 day ban maybe a 15 minute ban but stone did kill me first and i got him back so we we're fair on that but the admin decide to ban me for no reason. I believe this is admin abuse. After i killed him and he was T he said he was gonna kill me. P.S Would you put your feeling aside and follow the Demo, support, and facts of what happen not if you like me better or if you like Blue better.
6. Reason for appeal
Too long for such a small crime
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s) DEMO
8. Link to sourceban page (
IF stone cold was telling the truth, then you target RDM'd.
If he was being a dick and lying/playing around, then he RDM'd.
But either way you did target RDM.
Wasn't Stone a T when you were killed?
No he was innocent, But the next round he was T and killed somebody so he was KOS. Once again it wasn't target RDM it was just lucky he was T at the prefect time for me to get some payback. Also watch the Demo i provided to see exactly what happen, i record all of my games.
--- Quote from: Sharpie.eastern on January 08, 2012, 06:57:33 PM ---No he was innocent, But the next round he was T and killed somebody so he was KOS. Once again it wasn't target RDM it was just lucky he was T at the prefect time for me to get some payback. Also watch the Demo i provided to see exactly what happen, i record all of my games.
--- End quote ---
If Stone was called out, it was fair play. If nobody did anything about Stone's kill, then SOMEBODY would. "Payback" has nothing to do with this if Stone killed an inno on his T round. It's just what you would do. Stuff like this happens every day. From what I'm hearing, Sharpie shouldn't even be banned at all :thumbsup:
If only people took time to look over the stories and evidence...
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