Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

redeclipse's 'regular' application 1/8/12 - 12:07PM

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--- Quote from: redeclipse on January 08, 2012, 01:59:43 PM ---Well, thanks for letting me know. the way, I honestly did it the most polite way I could and I can tell you I didn't spam it. But I probably can't prove it for myself because I got a bit upset at somepoint and decided to leave, so when I wanted to actually review exactly what happened/what's been said, I opened my console and I couldn't any logs used during 'Global Chat'. I was actually going to see what some VIP named 'Deacon' (whom i've seen on the forums recently but haven't met just yet) and some other player. Maybe they didn't see my point as the way I saw it. It wasn't for advertising, It was for letting them know that basically they could just view my application and see what others think. More importantly, I didn't mean to break the rules if I did in the first place...and I didn't even get to give out my link to my application/thread just yet - but I may not, because you're actually right, they should probably just see it for themselves, right?...anyway, thanks again.  :yes:

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Yes, I probably should have clarified. It is not against the rules to advertise your reg app. It is, however, frowned upon, especially in /gl where all of our players can see. There is nothing officially wrong with it, so no reason to apologize. But I agree with what silent said; If they know you, they will see your app. If they don't see it, tell them in game/steam. But just generally saying "Hey everyone look at this im applying" can appear to be a bit desperate. Which, since you took the time to explain otherwise, is not the case here.

Agreed. I didn't really mean to sound a bit desperate or anything. The reason I signed up for the forums was to make friends, probably to become a regular and convince people to get to know me better and probably even +1 me or something, right?

Well, I don't know if that's the case here or anything, but I made this application for one reason:

-I'm a respectful player, I've atleast played on RANDOM'S servers for a few days, I've gotten to meet some of the other vips/regulars around RND Servers & Gamemodes, Like Wirebuild, TTT, Zombie Survival, etc...and if you don't belive me, just look at everyone else's post. Now, that's the reason I made this thread. I knew I could handle being a regular, but a vip?...No. I just signed up at the forums and I don't think they're just gonna let me start an application for either vip or admin because I might seem nice, active, a bit responsive and whatnot; but it really depends on not just why, but how you thought I was doing before and after I became a regular. You may think "This guy's really nice and all, but he's gonna get demoted!" ... well, once again, i'm telling you to look at everyone else's posts. Do you see them complaining?...So listen up, guys, I appreciate your opinions, I appreciate why you posted and what you posted for, and I'm very proud because i've made friends who know I can handle this... I know i can handle this...with your help, I just might succeed in becoming a regular, or possibly even a VIP someday! (Depends on what everyone else thinks, ofcourse!)

Thanks a millions, everyone!



--- Quote from: redeclipse on January 08, 2012, 03:31:40 PM ---Agreed. I didn't really mean to sound a bit desperate or anything. The reason I signed up for the forums was to make friends, probably to become a regular and convince people to get to know me better and probably even +1 me or something, right?

Well, I don't know if that's the case here or anything, but I made this application for one reason:

-I'm a respectful player, I've atleast played on RANDOM'S servers for a few days, I've gotten to meet some of the other vips/regulars around RND Servers & Gamemodes, Like Wirebuild, TTT, Zombie Survival, etc...and if you don't belive me, just look at everyone else's post. Now, that's the reason I made this thread. I knew I could handle being a regular, but a vip?...No. I just signed up at the forums and I don't think they're just gonna let me start an application for either vip or admin because I might seem nice, active, a bit responsive and whatnot; but it really depends on not just why, but how you thought I was doing before and after I became a regular. You may think "This guy's really nice and all, but he's gonna get demoted!" ... well, once again, i'm telling you to look at everyone else's posts. Do you see them complaining?...So listen up, guys, I appreciate your opinions, I appreciate why you posted and what you posted for, and I'm very proud because i've made friends who know I can handle this... I know i can handle this...with your help, I just might succeed in becoming a regular, or possibly even a VIP someday! (Depends on what everyone else thinks, ofcourse!)

Thanks a millions, everyone!


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Just remember as a regular you are a representative of the community. You are expected to behave and know the rules well enough to explain them if someone is not following. Otherwise, its just like anything else; have fun, be respectful, everyone is happy. With time, you will learn the community and form friends throughout. Unless you are a dick undercover. But I don't see that here...Try not to prove me wrong lol.


Great Guy. Helpful, knows the rules. mature  :thumbsup:

sometimes i dream about


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