Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Malaka's Regular App(10/3/10) - [APPROVED]
Malaka's Regualr Application
I have been playing Random flood for a long time months ago. I started playing again about a week ago and have logged at least more than 10 hours on flood in the past week. I feel respected by a majority of the players. I try to help keep the server minge free and do not abuse global chat. I have many admin experiences..such as admin in *gaming for about a month, admin currently in all EG servers, used to be owner of 2 servers, and coowner and developer of EG underdone.(If need any more info or proof of previous or current adminship please tell me I will edit)
Ingame name- =-NO-= Malaka
Steam ID- STEAM_0:1:26456191
Age- 14
Location- Eastern US
Any more info..tell me and I will add..
:troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:
DEFINITLY +1. great player who is definitly devoted to stopping minges. fun to play with and talk 2. kthx.
Mr. Franklin:
+1 good player. respects everyone. :pacman: :pacman:
Boat Sinker:
lmao the only reason why i came in this post was becasue your name 'malaka' means masturbator in greek. im guessing youre greek
Hes a Great player to play with in TTT :thumbsup:
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