Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

-regular app- Oakgaming 7/01/2012

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Hello, I enjoy you Servers! They are Amazing!
I would LOVE to be regular. A few reasons are
            1: I love to play the servers.
            2: I would like to use more wire tool's.
            3: I want to learn more about Garry's Mod.
            4: I am a pretty nice person.

Some Information About ME!

- I was Born In The belgium.
- I am Currently 15 years old.
- I Love to work with wood and stone.
- I like to help people.
- Born On october, 1995.
- And i LOVE Garry's Mod!!! as always :D

Why I Think I Should Be Regular

- I Help Others.
- I love to Learn.
- I love it when people help me.
- Im Friendly.

Could have used a little more information, But he plays on the same server as me, Usually on, NEVER MINGES, makes cool things and, just a cool person to be around.

+1 :thumbsup:

Still not the correct format.
Although why did you create a new topic. I said you could modify your old application. See the modify button? you can press that to modify any of your topics.
Back to the application i think you will need to redo to the correct format.,1552.0.html

xVIPERx1 please don't mislead new people.

Nice app ^^

I hope you become regular rights bro.

You are nice Ingame.

This is a nice guy.

Dale Feles:
You should really add your steam id, or else your app might be removed.

I've played with him on wirebuild, he is polite, and I am sure he has nothing but good intentions. I'll post my vote once the app is changed.


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