Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Banned by Teeny

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I was banned for no reason just right now........... and it says i was banned by teeny...

When i was banned it said like You were banned from server and banned for no reason

not sure if i should put on report or appeal but Like someone explain why Me and Satwoong or AKA Polka, Samo, Yakuza, Jarlos, , caboose, etc was banned
Im not sure why..... Please like explain

Teeny banned 7 people in 15 min....
And all with ghosting, how teh fuck can 7 people ghost togetter?

wtf happened :'(??

This goes in the appeal section. I banned you for a reason which is stated in the ban. I kicked you for no reason because you were not automatically banned from the server. And Apie, I never said they were all ghosting together...

wait wait wait... you ban me for 1 month cause you suspect me O_O like wtf V_V


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