Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Accused of aimbot, banned for aimbot, i don't use an aimbot
Player <Chaoss>
No Demos
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:14362378
Steam Community 76561197988990484
IP address GB
Invoked on 01-07-12 02:47
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason Teeny banned '<Chaoss>' : Aimbot Hack
Banned by Admin CONSOLE
Banned from Web Ban
Total Bans 2 (search)
Blocked (1) <Chaoss>
I'd like to get unbanned on my main steam account (I have 3 under this name), I was playing the server with a hacker called Anteck, he had some good teammates who had a good shot, but i could tell they weren't hacking, however Anteck was, he then spawncamped me so i said "if you keep doing that i'll use my aimbot", he said "lol i know all the admins i'm gettin u banned", i've played here enough for people to know I don't even have an aimbot installed and I've never used one in the 6 years i've had my steam account. i said that in hopes he's stop spawncamping me.
Anyway this kid said "i'm an admin" (he wasn't) then BAM, i was banned by an admin with no talking, no proof and no demo. If he'd have bothered to spectate me like your supposed to he'd have realised that I was using granades and getting 3 - 4 kills at once. My other 2 steam accounts only have a sniper with no money on one, and nothing on the other one, i've played enough to accumilate loads of guns and money, could you please unban this one, and review the demo that Teeny would have recorded in order to perminantly ban me, Teeny if your reading this please post the demo where i was 'hacking' thanks
When I joined the server Anteck asked me if I was admin so right then and there everyone knew an admin was on. I banned you because of what you said. You admitted to using aimbot. Also I am not a "kid", I'm not a he, and isn't it safe to assume if I say I say I'm an admin and you get banned THAT I'M REALLY AN ADMIN? There was talking and the proof was you admitting to hacking. . .Well then, mystery solved.
--- Quote from: Teeny on January 07, 2012, 03:11:42 AM ---When I joined the server Anteck asked me if I was admin so right then and there everyone knew an admin was on. I banned you because of what you said. You admitted to using aimbot. Also I am not a "kid", I'm not a he, and isn't it safe to assume if I say I say I'm an admin and you get banned THAT I'M REALLY AN ADMIN? There was talking and the proof was you admitting to hacking. . .Well then, mystery solved.
--- End quote ---
U can perma somebody if he say I hack? serious...
Hacking is not tolerated.
Make a picture of your bin folder and with the last modification date.
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