Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Sype3076's Regular Application 3/1/12

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--- Quote from: Tezuni on January 06, 2012, 12:12:44 AM ---i don't know, you got quite a temper and your karma is always really low in ttt
i'm undecided about this

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hey the reason i was in a game with 1000 karma then new players didnt know what rdm was so they shot me to 50 healthso i killed them and they were inno i end up with 600 karma nect round same thing to 300 karma and thats my reason

Dark Pacifist:
Try talking with them or even explaining the rules if they seem to be newbies. Don't flame them until they leave over a single incident.

--- Quote from: Dark Pacifist on January 06, 2012, 11:55:10 AM ---Try talking with them or even explaining the rules if they seem to be newbies. Don't flame them until they leave over a single incident.

--- End quote ---
O told them after they died and i was to

Fun guy to play with. Helpful!  :thumbsup:

This guy is helpfull so :thumbsup:


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