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Minecraft server

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--- Quote from: Eddy on October 03, 2010, 12:09:13 AM ---What does that HT at the end of your name stands for?
Hot Tits?
That would actually make sense.

--- End quote ---

i i rly dunt know. i jsut wrote nail, because i was known for using nailcannon's account, and then something at the end of it


--- Quote from: Marked One on October 02, 2010, 09:03:44 PM ---host not found? you sure?
try again, i mite have failed for a second of internet.

EDIT: rocket i saw u on server, come back on, was broswing for mods

EDIT's EDIT: wow rocket your a minge. dont come back till you stop being dick?

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Rofl, dont worry, it wasnt hardcore minge, I just like water damage :3

and destroyed the rail system
flooded the station
flooded everything


and i got demoted for kicking you for minging. lol


--- Quote from: Marked One on October 03, 2010, 01:07:50 PM ---and destroyed the rail system
flooded the station
flooded everything


and i got demoted for kicking you for minging. lol

--- End quote ---

Wait a minute. You didnt kick me


--- Quote from: rocket50 on October 03, 2010, 01:10:42 PM ---Wait a minute. You didnt kick me

--- End quote ---

im talking about gmod. i gave 5 minute kick for propblocking/crashing server on purpose. and moo demoted me. lawl

then you minge on my server.
baned via ip btw


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