Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hi. I'm Not really new here.

(1/2) > >>

I have actually Been here since dady was testing the flood server.
I joined it and they where having some problems.
I've actually been here for 3 years now.
And I'm still a guest?
So yeah..

Nice to meet you I guess..  ;) :cake:

Bullet Freeman:
err, how come i never met you?

ive been here almost 2 years

and welcome abroad

I have being here 1 year...

Bullet Freeman:

Dale Feles:
Hello, and welcome back! We changed flood since there was never a lot of players on it.

If you need any help regarding the changes, or if you just have some general questions, feel free to PM via these forums or steam.


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