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Bullet Freeman's VIP application 1/1/12

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Bullet Freeman's VIP Application

Name: Matteo Šoštarić

In RND since: I have been playing on the server for about 2 years, i remember Zombie Survival before the Winrarz list was up.

Times online: I am online from 7-9 to about 22-24 (unless im at highschool)

Time Zone: GMT +1

Location: Zagreb, Croatia, Europe

Servers I mostly play on: (by frequency) Zombie survival, TTT, Fretta, Winter survival and sometimes Stronghold

Steam Name: Bullet Freeman

Why I should be VIP:

-I've been on the server for nearly 2 years now.
-I've been helping as many people as i can and reporting all hackers, rdmers and everyone else who brakes the rules.
-I like the server very much and i think the community is very frendly
-I was never banned from any server in any game

Why I want to be VIP:

I want to be a VIP becouse in my playtime im lucky if i can catch a vip, and im seeing people who mass rdm, hack, curse and offend, map glitch and all kinds of other things, but the proof is hard to accquire for some.


Someone is camping on Deathrun: Warn, if ignored votekick.

Someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun: Warn, if ignored votekick, if the same happens again voteban.

Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT: Warn, if ignored/killed another fellow traitor voteban and make a report.

RDMing the detective as an innocent: Warn, if ignored voteban and make a report.

Someone is glitching: Warn, if ignored voteban and make a report.

Someone is using a name changer: Warn, ask an admin to id ban him.

Someone is using an aimbot: Immediate voteban, conflicts with rules, report.

Someone is using speedhacks: Immediate voteban, conflicts with rules, report.

Someone is mic-spamming: I Would tell people how to mute players, and unless hes is cursing/offending someone its not kickable/banable.

Someone is offending people/cursing: Warn, if ignored mute/votekick, if continues voteban.

Someone is using a porn spray: Warn, if ignored voteban.

I find some people reasonable and they stop after you warn them.

Contributions to RND:

Im not a mapper, nor am i a programmer, but i try to help people as much as i can and try my best to stop people from breaking the rules.

Games I have:

Garry's Mod
Half Life 2 and both episodes
Counter Strike
Team fortress 2
Day of defeat
Left 4 dead 1&2
and 63 other games

Methods to contact me:

Youtube (Im online every day here so feel free to pm me)

few friends active in RND:

[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - [Valor]iPounce
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - Jman
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - Shockah
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - Jigsaw
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - .:RND'=-Juan_Ambriz
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - .:~RND`=- TehHank
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - Captain Communism
[ Steam ] - [ Forum ] - DJ Crypto / Cryptokid


I am long time friends with PhoeniX-Storms and Revolving REC0N, they created PhoeniX-Storms (wouldnt guess from that name rite?)
I also recently met GonzoSSM, a pretty cool guy
I love minecraft and am a pretty good skin artist, i am a moderator on a couple of minecraft servers and i never abused my powers nor was i banned.
I designed a site for minecraft skins all by myself (eaven the blender part)

Thank you for taking time to read this.
Thank you RND for being so friendly and generaly awesome.
Thanks to all my RND friends and especially the ones who support me in this application.

i wuv you all


After seeing the chat log in this report...

just no



--- Quote from: Alkaline on January 02, 2012, 10:27:08 PM ---,10757.0.html

After seeing the chat log in this report...

just no


--- End quote ---

I remembered who this guy was...I don't think he's even close to being VIP.

You just aren't ready yet...


--- Quote from: Alkaline on January 02, 2012, 10:27:08 PM ---,10757.0.html

After seeing the chat log in this report...

just no


--- End quote ---
Sorry :/


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