Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
10/2/2010 Application: Shawn - [APPROVED]
Name: Shawn
IGM: Shawn
Age: 21
Well i was a respected before and as far as i know i didn't have one single abuse report on me.
Reasons I'd like to be VIP:
Well to kick the minges and keep the server clean of hackers.
How I'd handle some situations:
1. Person is mic spamming.
Person: yo someone kick this loser
Me: just mute him.
Person: how?
Me: esc > Player List > select persons name > Click mute.
2. Person minging (as in pissing everyone off in the server)
I'd warn him to stop being a Minge.
After the third time and he still doesn't listen issue a kick.
If he comes back after 5 minutes and continues to do it, Warn him once more. issue a ban if he still doesn't stop
3. Hacker.
Tell them to stop
Doesn't listen kick/ban
4. Calling people names/ calling me names.
say no uu!!! then continue on with my game Lol
I'd love to be able to fulfill my role as done as a respected. I'm confinement that i would not abuse or take advantage of the VIP status.
1, Well if anyone remember my posts from the old board, i made a fully functionally car with headlight, tail lights (including a 4 way flasher), brake lights, reverse light, with fulling working sounds for each action the car did such as drive, braking, nos, gear shifting, reverse, and of course starting the engine.
2, Train (not the best train but it worked) basic train with a light and a speed boost
If you require any other info please feel free to ask.
Aww Shawn the :pokeball: Man
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :dukenukem:
He is really nice, i played lot of time with him. :thumbsup:
I think he rly deserves to get vip.
:jackolantern: :jackolantern: :jackolantern: never had a problem with this guy and seen him in TTT a lot :thumbsup:
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