Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Zarmeck's Regular Application 02/10/2010


Name: Alexandre

In-game name and Steam: Zarmeck

Gender: Male

Age: I'm 16 (17 in may)

Time online: I play gmod often and almost only on random servers.when i'm playing , it's for at least 2 hours

Servers: I realy like TTT and wire construct (but I prefer wire since I don't have the tools I'd like to have :P)

Location: Canada,Quebec,Quebec city

About me: My native language is french , I realy love computers and I love to program (C#,AS2, and learning AS3).

Reasons I should be regular: I'm a good builder but I can't dup my things so I can't show people my big things  :( + I'm a good TTT player and I don't RDM. I've played on your server for like 7 months (not everyday of course...)

That's all  ;D

PS:You guys should show people what you need to see in their apps



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