Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
26-12-2011 / [CGA] Blueman™ Regular Application [NEW]
Before i post this i have few message to say . Sorry if there's any mistakes and my gramar's bad.
In-Game Name:
[CGA] BlueMan™ / BlueMan™
Time online:
Almost everyday , but sometimes i cant online because i have activties , sorry.
Fretta ( Always )
TTT ( sometimes )
ZS ( Not very much )
18 in 2011
15 March 1993
Games ( on steam )
Killing Floor
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode 1
Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Team Fortress 2
Indonesia ,Jakarta
Why I want to be regular and Why I should be Regular:
I wanted to be regular because i want to be part of this community and talk with others. And sometimes i could help VIP for votekick and Voteban those minge.
I've playing RND Members for 1 year . It would be brilliant if i part of this community.
Contributions to RND:
Actually i haven't contribute to RND much.
But i will be more contribute to RND when im one of the Members.
Note: Please dont hate on me for Grammar & things i forgot to place in. Please correct me on those things in the comment section.
Looks good, I would +1 but I'm not a reg yet.
Grammar mistakes in post:
*Before I post this I have a message to say, "Sorry if there's any mistakes, my grammar's bad,".
No space before comma (,), just after.
I needs a capital letter.
Grammar does not need a capital letter at the beggining of it.
No space before fullstop (.), just after.
*and ban those minges
Members does not need a capital at the beggining of it.
Voteban does not need a capital at the beggining of it.
*I've been playing with rNd members for over a year now, it would be brilliant if I were a part of the community.
*I'm online Almost everyday, but somtimes I can't get online because I have activities.
& is not propper grammar.
He is mature enough for REG.
Thanks for the grammarnazi!
--- Quote from: Boncey on December 27, 2011, 03:41:43 AM ---Looks good, I would +1 but I'm not a reg yet.
Grammar mistakes in post:
*Before I post this I have a message to say, "Sorry if there's any mistakes, my grammar's bad,".
No space before comma (,), just after.
I needs a capital letter.
Grammar does not need a capital letter at the beggining of it.
No space before fullstop (.), just after.
*and ban those minges
Members does not need a capital at the beggining of it.
Voteban does not need a capital at the beggining of it.
*I've been playing with rNd members for over a year now, it would be brilliant if I were a part of the community.
*I'm online Almost everyday, but somtimes I can't get online because I have activities.
& is not propper grammar.
--- End quote ---
. *cough* you spelled beggining wrong its beginning *cough*
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