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Lavenchie's App [ 26/12/2011]

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Lavenchie’s Regular Application

Steam: Lavenchie


In-Game Name: Lavenchie

Time online: I'm online whenever I can be (in other words, anytime I'm not in school).

Servers: Zombie Survival, Winter survival, Sometimes Fretta, and Trouble In Terrorist Town.[/color]

Age: 13

Birthday: 10/24/1998

Games (on Steam):

Location: United States of America in the state of Michigan

Why I want to be Regular : I used to have a lot of fun back here in RND a while ago. Yes I know that many of you probably aren't convinced that I have changed. All I'm just asking is for a second chance, or redemption if you will, to prove my worth and that I have actually changed.

Contributions to RND: I try to help people whenever I can, to the best of my ability.

If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:

I'd just like to thank you for looking at this application, and thank you all for providing such a nice gaming community that has always been full of fun.

Thanks to Don for reference to this app!

I've gotten to know you a lot more over the past few weeks, and you definitely matured a lot more from when I saw you last.

Regardless of your past mistakes, I feel that you're perfectly capable of handling Regular, and being able to make unbiased decisions on votes, along with helping new players who come around.

So  :thumbsup: from me.

Good luck!

Tiger Guy:
I've played with him several times in TTT and I think he has matured a lot since he left.  :thumbsup:

Yellow Killer:
Seen you, Your a friendly player ingame, you don't break any rules,  :thumbsup:

Good player, has matured a lot



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