Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

explosive dirrhea unban request


>SteamID : STEAM_0:0:46066

 >Player nickname : explosive dirrhea

>Player Name : mattias

>Server name : Stronghold

>Description of the event : Aimbot  :(
>Reason for appeal: Me and crowiez was playing together to see how the scores would be if hack vs no hack..
then this guys joined and my aimbot was on already.
i know i should aimbot in the first place, or even have hacks on my computer.. i know i shouldnt make the unban request. but im not here to complain/or say what i know not to do...
I just wanna ask for a second chance because i really like your servers. and i promise i will not hack on them agian...  :-[
I dont know if you wanna give me this ekstra chance but it would be really great if i could get another chance.

also later that day i was playing with some guys, and i also aimbotted here, since i was injeted from some rp server, i was like.. im just using it for now..
then the guys complained ans ask me to take it of, and i did so.  :thumbsup:

We don't tolerate any hacking.


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