Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Kavo-Thizzla's Ban Appeal
I was banned 1 day for being an asshole I don't even know how thats possible but it somehow was thanks to DoeniDon.
Now DoeniDon I've always known you never liked me but could you put it aside after all I have not play RND in two months but yet you still tried to find a way to remind me that you never liked me
Could you please be much more lighter on the ban lets say an 30 minutes or 2 hours at max I'm mean you may think I'm overreacting to this ban but until your in my shoes you will never understand
1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28962035
2. Players Nickname: Kavo-Thizzla
3. Your in-game name: Kavo-Thizzla
4. Server name: TTT
5. Description of the event(s): I left because of high ping fixed it came back said I was banned
6. Reason for appeal: As far as I know I've done nothing.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
8. Link to sourceban page:
Me not liking you would be news to me.
I banned you because I constantly see you calling people noobs and insulting them and I received multiple complaints about it.
Not to me the impression you make everytime you comment on something I've been in is always off the rails
It's just one day, Y U NO WAIT :B
Cant you wait for 1 day?
I got a week ban long time ago.
and i just waited.
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