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SolidVote improvment
I think it will be better if vote system will be updated like that:
* Two levels vote system for regulars:
* Regular casts vote with some reason that is visible only for regulars+.
* Regulars+ vote.
* If vote is successfull then go to 4 else exit.
* SolidVote casts second vote for kick\ban with same reason as in p. 1 visible to everyone on server.
* Everyone votes for or against.
* If vote is successfull then ban or kick else exit.
* One level vote system for VIP+:
* Someone votes cast for kick\ban
* Everyone votes
* If vote is successfull then go to 4 else exit.
* Do kick\ban
* Minimal number of votes(50%) to do something:
* Someone votes cast for kick\ban
* Everyone votes
* If number of votes more then 50% then go to 4 else exit
* Count votes for\against
* If there more votes for then do action else exit
I think it will reduce chances to abuse or something like that.
Dr. Insano:
I'm sorry.
I can't understand what you're trying to say here.
Check out 1 post =). Explained easier
--- Quote from: morfin on September 30, 2010, 11:21:29 PM ---Look, when regular+ cast vote for kick\ban only regulars+ can vote. But if when regular+ cast vote for kick\ban(invisible to guests) and it is successful then cast second vote visible and allowed for everyone and then only if that vote is successfull then kick\ban player. It can prevent small abuses by regulars+.
--- End quote ---
wait, are you saying regulars should be able to start a votekick/voteban? Is "cast" referring to guest's? are you trying to say that guest should be able to participate in kicks? in that case, I disagree, Only Regular, V.I.P's should be able to vote, not guest. That was part of the point of changing the entire system as well.
I don't know if English is your native language or not but please if it's not type the message in your native language and use a translator to translate it to English and then copy paste it here.
Ok look. Someone is respected. There only one respected two regulars and guests. Respected casts vote to kick someone. If one respected and one reg will vote for guess what will happen? Another players should have chance to decide too because only regular+ system when only regular+ can vote looks too abusive.
P.S Anyway i am going to write that system for myself and check how it works. I think it will not be fail.
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