Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

30/09/2010 Application: {DBD}Cobra - [APPROVED]

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InGame name: .:~RND`=-{DBD}Cobra


Age: 27

Servers: Zombie survival, Trouble in terrorist town, Fretta, Flood.

Hobbies: Firefighting, Computers, Networking Administration

Why i want to be VIP:
I have been around RND for.. at LEAST 1.5 years, I have been votekicking minges since I have been respected. I know quite a few people on RND and RND Servers. Most people respect me and like me. I have been PMed on steam many times to come in a certain server to votekick.  I have played with Sanders, Ruben, Xrain, Reborn, Coolz, Magik, Bannana, Sabbath, Grim Reaper, SomeRandomGuy, and Lots more, I just can't think of them all right now lol..
I am very mature and I like to have fun on all servers and try out new ones on RND. I always treat Minges the way they should be, Warned first, action later. Usually some people will say I am too nice lol. I am almost always online, and most of the time playing in RND servers. I love helping out new players and teaching them the ropes of a game in RND.

Extra Stuff:
I have a Associates in Computer Networking and Administration, AND Microsoft Network Professional Plus.
I am a vol Firefighter for my hometown, I work on computers in my free time and love learning new things.

Thanks for your time,

- {DBD}Cobra AKA Dave.


I've played with cobra quite a lot and happen to like his style so...



When i read "hobbies: firefighting"

I knew it had to be  :thumbsup:

nope  :gtfo:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I  :troll:  I :troll: I  :troll:
 :D  ya mon  :rasta: :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Sanders on September 30, 2010, 03:56:36 PM ---When i read "hobbies: firefighting"

I knew it had to be  :thumbsup:

--- End quote ---
same here lol besides I knew him for a loooooooooooong time

Banana Hat:
didn't he hack peoples accounts? :thumbsdown:


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