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How to stay anonymous online for dummies.

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Roach :3:
Step 1# - Don't use your email for everything!
It's probably one of the main culprits that get you exposed to the community, all they need to do is search your email and then search it through other web address's for people to view. It doesn't take time to put together a Hotmail or Googlemail account, don't be lazy fool.

Step 2# - Don't share pictures from social media sites.
If you think you've kept anonymous up to now, you're wrong, all a user needs is a code inside of your image link that should look like this; http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/182214_153766001345101_100001351069967_276602_620441_n.jpg It's not going to be hard to take apart those numbers and stick them into a Facebook link. If you're going to expose your pictures use Internet sites such as www.imageshack.us or www.tinypic.com

Step 3# - Don't leave your social network page unprotected.
There are privacy settings for a reason, be sure to click onto Account, Privacy Settings and change everything to Friends Only.

Step 4# - Don't even add people from the Internet.
Why would you even bother accepting Yes to someone you know is going to cause you grief, at least, before you even accept the friends request at least check if their page is actually legit before accepting.

Step 5# - Don't post new pictures frequently.
Yes, we know you have friends, yes, we don't give a crap. If you've already exposed a picture of yourself to allow all the horny teenagers to view, be sure it is one of your favorites, due to the fact you're going to be using it for a long time.

Step 6# - Don't give into butt hurt trolls.
You may be the most sexiest person on the Internet but to those jealous, little elves with red eyes that are called trolls, it's not legit. If you've posted a picture of you smiling in a mirror with your douche bag phone, flexing your muscles at the gym or even taking pictures of your breasts for people to see. You do not need to take anymore, you are you and you do not need to prove to anyone else who you are.

Step 7# - Don't share your real name over the Internet.
No one needs to know who you are, you're not a class a pedophile so it's fine for you to continue to stay anonymous. If you feel like becoming a very professional, you should build your own character, give yourself a new name and act as if that is actually your real name. It's not hard, you can pick your first legit real name and add a last name that you wish you had.

Step 8# - Don't judge people if you can't handle what you give out.
If you're going to push around someone on the Internet over their looks, don't. If you're not a super model or someone who is remotely attractive, you do not need to remind people. You could just be as bad and there can be many ways someone can point out about you. After all, they've probably got a bigger penis than you.

Step 9# - Don't expose yourself so soon.
I'm sure a lot of people have the eager or confidence to share the Internet what they actually look like, make your own mystery, take a picture in sun glasses, from a different shot or even with black or white, sepia or if you're a crazy kid negative!

Step 10# - Don't ever pose as someone else.
If you're not being a complete idiot (trolling), don't ever pretend to be someone else on the Internet, if you were born with male gender, you're going to be a male, pretending to be the opposite sex will only land you in the crapper. If you haven't guess it yet, in the gaming world, only 20% is actually female, it will attract a lot of attention to yourself where the little Internet nerds will attempt to stalk and trace your own personal information.

So yeah, hope you guys like it if not, I still don't care.
Also I'd like to see some feedback and if you want something added just tell me.

But i don't give two shits if people know who i am... Hence why i us my real name for everything.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Shawn on December 12, 2011, 10:23:50 AM ---But i don't give two shits if people know who i am... Hence why i us my real name for everything.

--- End quote ---

And this is why as soon as I see you in real life I am raping you.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on December 12, 2011, 01:39:46 PM ---And this is why as soon as I see you in real life I am raping you.

--- End quote ---

You can't rape the willing  :-[

And use 7 proxies :trollface:


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