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Help for Stronghhold


Shawny </3:
Here is some help for newbies to stronghold.
I dont play it often but im Moderate at it.

the p228 is Accurate along with the MP5

Always stick with a Partner. Preferably your Friend.

When your outside and fighting, Keep in cover. Snipers are camp whores D:

If you dont have enough money for a gun. Try Buying them for an Hour to get the money.

if you holding in then stay in your base.

To construct props/spawns/Weapon Boxes go to your tool gun and hold your right mouse button. then use your mouse to select something.

press the Reload button to use an Alternate Type on the toolgun

Example: On the repair tool press R to switch to a tool to Damage.

You can use Cookable Grenades to Suicide Bomb to!

The first weapon to buy should ALWAYS Be the AK-47
Its a 2 shot KO

Good pistol to buy is a Deagle.

an M3 Shotgun will be good help if in a small Building

I dont know all the Guns as i Dont have them all :c

Hope this Helps.

Blah I'm a harsh.
You may want to edit your grammar and punctuation. It makes guides a lot easier to read.


--- Quote from: Goat on December 11, 2011, 04:21:26 PM ---

--- End quote ---

He's just trying to help man.

Anyways, thanks for the guide. I'm sure it will help someone who is new to Stronghold.


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