Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

[re-promoted] kurtis's reg app (Re-promote app) 9/12/11

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Shawny </3:

you can be a minge sometimes

and enjoy trolling me all the freakin time

I don't really ever play with Kurtis, so I don't know much about him.
However, if people are -1ing you because of something that happened before, and you're saying you've changed, it wouldn't hurt to wait a bit to reapply tp prove that you have done so.

Kurtis you havnt changed at all Im sorry but for someone to change it takes.. months.. not weeks. And even to check this.. My brother got on last time you played and you were still being a dick to people.. And as for whoevers post about me getting banned... Bro.... you dont know what your talking about.. just stop. I got banned for a day and demoted because i was a problematic player and was glitching barricades .. Kurtis is always a prick to everyone. Baits them into trolling him or he starts to troll them.. These demos are only a month or two TOPS old .. and no none of these were reported. I held on to them for a moment just like this. when i knew they would be most useful

Sorry for double post but..
frost. i have known kurtis since he started RND. And i have NEVER seen you.. and kurtis wasnt always a dick. He used to be really chill. dunno what happend. But YOU.. have no right to say what i can and cannot say.. Disrespect. I may not be the rolemodel player but i have been around for a good 3 years.


--- Quote from: DrOctagonnapus on December 12, 2011, 04:56:43 AM ---Sorry for double post but..
frost. i have known kurtis since he started RND. And i have NEVER seen you.. and kurtis wasnt always a dick. He used to be really chill. dunno what happend. But YOU.. have no right to say what i can and cannot say.. Disrespect. I may not be the rolemodel player but i have been around for a good 3 years.

--- End quote ---
Atleast im not the one who got demoted
And please he is cool when he is with me


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