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Fing steam friends


Sometimes i wonder where i find these people Lol

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--- Quote ---sPENCER: Seth Small Dick Spencer
sPENCER: Great name right
sPENCER: Me and you in a jail shower
sPENCER: then orange walks in as a gaurd
sPENCER: and he whips out his cock
sPENCER: and starts to greas us up with it
sPENCER: an d we go along with it
sPENCER: then we
sPENCER: start to comb his pubes
sPENCER: for him beacuse they are all tangel up
sPENCER: so then i start to beat your meat
sPENCER: you ebat oranges
sPENCER: and orange beats mine
sPENCER: after that
sPENCER: we grab the bar of sope
sPENCER: we shove that on my asshole
sPENCER: pull it out
sPENCER: hold orange down
sPENCER: shove the soap in oranges moust
sPENCER: and run for home base
sPENCER: after that we go adn get out
sPENCER: they send the dogs for us
sPENCER: we start to make love with the dogs
sPENCER: and scare them
sPENCER: after that
sPENCER: we end up waking up
sPENCER: on a home amde boat with 122mexicans
sPENCER: looking at are mioght fine pubes
sPENCER: and they are
sPENCER: praseing them they are like WTF
sPENCER: how did their pubes get so nice
sPENCER: then i tickle your buthole hair
sPENCER: and you shove the head of a whipe cream can in my buthole
sPENCER: and you spray it all in
sPENCER: my buthole
sPENCER: then i fart
sPENCER: and spray it all ogver the 122 mexicans
sPENCER: Then after
sPENCER: that we get back home to USA
sPENCER: we go can steal some bitches car
sPENCER: we still be naked tho
sPENCER: the cops pull us over
sPENCER: he see us naked
sPENCER: and he like o damn these 2 guys got some might fine pubes
sPENCER: and he start worshiping us to
sPENCER: he brings us in to the cop HQ
sPENCER: and starts to show all of the other cops are pubes
sPENCER: and they are like wtf how did these guys get them so nice
sPENCER: just like the 122 maxicans
sPENCER: mexicans*
sPENCER: They let us go even tho are car was stolen
sPENCER: so we start heading up to washingtin DC
sPENCER: and go to the white house
sPENCER: when we get their
sPENCER: we show the security are pubes
sPENCER: they start worshiping us
sPENCER: and take us to obama
sPENCER: and he is like WTF how did these 2 guys get theri pubes so might fine
sPENCER: just like the cops and the 122 mexicans
sPENCER: obama start to suck are dicks
sPENCER: it ends
sPENCER: Its a trick
sPENCER: it dosent end
sPENCER: obama takes us to his dad
sPENCER: so we can trim his pubes
sPENCER: like ares
sPENCER: and obamas dad is like "WTF is going on is this a sighn from jesus?"
sPENCER: and i told him no
sPENCER: you silly goose
sPENCER: Then after all that happend
sPENCER: we ended back in jail with orange
sPENCER: watching us take a shower
sPENCER: Ironic twist right!
sPENCER: It all was a dream
sPENCER: Then after all daat shit
sPENCER: me and my home tyson
sPENCER: we got abck in are van
sPENCER: thats the niggah taht did are pubes if you dont rember
sPENCER: he showed me a magic trick
sPENCER: waht he did was he made it look like his dick had herpes
sPENCER: then it would go away
sPENCER: i was like damn
sPENCER: can you give me
sPENCER: the herps
sPENCER: il give you crabs ;)
sPENCER: After all dat shit
sPENCER: we went walking to the nearest 7/11
sPENCER: and got 2 cherry slurpies
sPENCER: we then went and
sPENCER: fed it to are snaping turtle out of are bellybuttons
sPENCER: but any ways to get back on track
sPENCER: so their was me and shawn standing side to side
sPENCER: about to fight an army of mad pershins
sPENCER: What would we do?
sPENCER: idk
sPENCER: maybe?
sPENCER: drop are pants
sPENCER: and show are pubes
sPENCER: they were o so mighty fine
sPENCER: the got down and bowed to me
sPENCER: and shawn
sPENCER: of cours
sPENCER: the head pershin came out
sPENCER: he asked why all of teh pershin fighters dident kill us
sPENCER: they replied
sPENCER: The pubes The pubes
sPENCER: the head pershin Said what?
sPENCER: When the head pershin walked up me and shawn were like WTF?
sPENCER: it was motofreak and his wife exault
sPENCER: they saw are pubes
sPENCER: and bowed dowon
sPENCER: down
sPENCER: when they took us to their house
sPENCER: they put us in the bat tub
sPENCER: and started to wash are pubes
sPENCER: they washed and condishened them
sPENCER: and repeated them
sPENCER: till they were as soft as a clown.
sPENCER: ass
sPENCER: After that
sPENCER: we stold one of their cars
sPENCER: it was preatty sick
sPENCER: it had a nice trashcan on it like
sPENCER: shawns GMR car
sPENCER: After that
sPENCER: we were out in the dunes
sPENCER: by the aribs
sPENCER: they were going to kill us
sPENCER: for are car
sPENCER: we jsut whiped out are pubes
sPENCER: and put them in the gastank and scrubed out all of the oils for gass ;) you know what i mean Shawn
sPENCER: once we got the tank full
sPENCER: we went of to are day
sPENCER: we kept going
sPENCER: till we hit a hard of buffalo
sPENCER: we hit one with shawns ion canon
sPENCER: and killed it
sPENCER: for are food of the night
sPENCER: we hadent aten sens
sPENCER: we had oranges cock meat sandwitch
sPENCER is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
sPENCER: Then we went on and we ran out of pube gass you know what i mean shawn ;)
sPENCER: then after all of that BS
sPENCER: we found a camel
sPENCER: with 3 humps
sPENCER: one for me, one for shawn, and one for moto
sPENCER: we liked the fell of the hump are are balls ;)
sPENCER: After all of this
sPENCER: we went and we got a
sPENCER: pickle for us all to share from a strange man
sPENCER: and it wasent any ordinary pickle
sPENCER: it was a brown
sPENCER: furry
sPENCER: pickle
sPENCER: We each took one bit at a time
sPENCER: when we finished this process
sPENCER: we went and drank the juice of my picckle ;)
sPENCER: It was white and warm slideing down your through moto
sPENCER: after all of this
sPENCER: we ended waking back up at that same jail sell me naked with motofreak and shawn naked with OrangeBowl
sPENCER: When we got abkcup
sPENCER: we restarted up this trip
sPENCER: we found a camel
sPENCER: but this time he had 4 humps
sPENCER: we were able to get
sPENCER: orange on the forth hump ;)
sPENCER: We were back on are trip the the caribbean
sPENCER: sea
sPENCER: we still had not got their
sPENCER: we were on are 5th month of this travel
sPENCER: after all of this
sPENCER: we had finaly got their
sPENCER: to hunt the snow lepeards
sPENCER: once we had found the lepards
sPENCER: we had got about 12kills
--- End quote ---

You and Spencer would make a great couple.

Mr. Franklin:
Does Spencer have a brother?

Dale Feles:
What's up with this guy and mighty fine pubes :/


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