Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
Alex Mason, SOG's VIP Application 6/12/11
Alex Mason, SOG's VIP Application
Name: Darren
Age: 14
In RND since: A little before March 08, 2011, This was when I joined the forums.
Times online:
Mon-Fri: For 3-4 hours between 4:30 and 10:00
Time Zone: EST, UTC - 5
Location: Maryland
Servers I mostly play on: TTT
Steam Name: Alex Mason, SOG
Why I should be VIP:
I'm fairly active in TTT and I would like to help out in keeping the servers clean.
I know I haven't posted a report in a while, but it's because there are some things
that aren't really report worthy, such as RDMing a det once as an inno.
Why I want to be VIP:
I would like to be a VIP to help out with the servers.
It's also nice to have another active person in TTT, you can never have enough!
I really can't give a set list of situation and punishments to give for them, it kind of depends on the severity.
For ex:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)If someone hardcore rdm'ed a detective as innocent, such as walking up to him and headshotting him, thenI would kick them
With a warning message in the reason.
If a person kills the detective while shooting at who they think is a traitor because of being careless (Spraying a HUGE at a traitor standing next to a detective)
Then just as minor as a slap on the wrist and a warning.
IMO, You can't really give a set list because it depends on the user's perception of the event,
and what they fell necessary to handle it.
Contributions to RND:
A report on a hacker in TTT and a few less severe reports.
Things done In-Game:
Helped out players who needed information, and stood beside numerous people getting trolled on, instead of egging it on.
Games I have (on Steam):
CS:S Beta
HL2: Lost Coast
Team Fortress 2
TF2 Beta
And of course, Garrysmod
Methods to contact me:
The forum
A few friends active in RND
Cue Smith (Isn't too active anymore)
I realize since this is my first VIP app it will probably get denied, but if you -1 would you please include a reason so I can prove myself to you?
Thank you to Hotgreen for posting this app!
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
I haven't seem him that much. I don't really know anything about him so....Ja, no opinions.
I'm going to have to :thumbsdown: this. I don't think he is ready. It's a good application but, just not yet, not for awhile.
Dale Feles:
From seeign events happen in the past, I'm not sure if he should get VIP. +/- 0
I used to play with Alex a long time ago on an RP server.
Pretty cool we both ended in the same place.
Anyways, even though I was with him a long time ago, I haven't talked to him for awhile now.
I just don't feel comfortable giving a +1 just yet, but with time, I'm sure he'll do fine.
For now, -1
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