Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[Re-promoted]re-promotion for's regular

(1/2) > >>

 >SteamID : # 432 "MR.APPLE" STEAM_0:1:21963541 16:32 93 0 active

 >Player nickname : apple

 >Player Name :

 >Server name :TTT

 >Description of the event :disrespecting admins,server,community. dishonorable conduct of what a regular suppose to do
 >Reason for appeal:what i said was wrong, and I'm sorry about what i said or do. I broke my promise, and what i said has offended people many people like hotgreen and don, for that i am sorry. i should of know better, but i shall learn from my mistake, and i take this as a wake up call to do my duty as a regular. I didn't intend to harm others nor the community, please take your time on what you think,i waited things cool down. If you still hold grudges on me, or despise me in anyway, please speak for the behalf, if this topic doesn't get approved, I'll make a new app, if you guys don't want me here, I'll stand for my words and leave, thank you for taking your to read this.

ps. dont misread the topic, it is not re-promoted in anyway yet till the higer rank approves and re-promotes me back, i was suppose to fix that, till till i found out it was too late.

pps. i fixed it

also power outage due to 60 mile winds, i wont be on till a couple days till the clean up is established, generator out of gas, so i must leave now, till then please think about the the appeal

He's presented himself in a proper way and I think he's truly sorry for what happened.

From what I've seen he's a good guy and that was probably (hopefully) a one-time thing.

I'll see others' opinions on this before approvingaz

i think he should have it back

Dale Feles:
We could try giving him a second chance. Hell, if he's still disrespects people we can re-ban/demote him.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on December 05, 2011, 01:40:02 PM ---We could try giving him a second chance. Hell, if he's still disrespects people we can re-ban him.

--- End quote ---
He isn't banned.
He's appealing for his Regular rank.


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