Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

9/29/2010 Application: Jman - [APPROVED]


Name: jman15234

Age: 15

Real Name: Justin

Location: Florida

Description: I am a easy going, responsible, funny, and smart guy. I have lots of friends in real life and I usually make everyone laugh (with me not at me lol).

Why I Want VIP: I am on Gmod at least 30 minutes almost every day. When I am in the RND servers, a lot of people have the tendency to break the rules and/or minge. I am very loyal to RND and play on almost all RND servers, stopping people from minging when no other VIP is on that server. I listen to almost everyone's requests. That doesn't mean someone say's "KICK THIS GUY HE IS ______". I won't just kick this person. I will observe them and if reported behavior continues, they will be kicked.

If Someone Is Hacking (This is from Cake Face's VIP app and I just copied since I have the same approach): Spectate/Keep a close eye on him. He if aimbots, 80% of the time aimbots have no recoil and the mouse aims very smoothly, like if you were holding an xbox controller. Then take a poll on the server and see wut we should do. If everyone agree's, then kicz0rs. If he comes back and still aimbots, then record a demo of his 1337 haxs then post to the report section on the forums.

Friends Who Are Known RND Members: Mr. Franklin, Cake Face, SabbathFreak, Mdew, Peetah, Jim-onions, Tomcat, Hito!, Xrain, and Magic.

Ways to contact me:
Steam- .:RND`=- jman15234
AIM- jman15234

Steam Games: Counter Strike: Source, Garry's Mod, Killing Floor, Team Fortress 2, Left For Dead 2, and Portal.

Thanks for reading. It would be much appreciated if I got VIP.

+1 From Meh Hes a great player and he doesnt minge

 :thumbsup: played with him a couple of times, no problem with him.... he is also a temporary VIP and no problems about him soo  :thumbsup:

Yes, he has a lot of time playing, nice person, played with him several times.

I think that he deserves to be vip, and he was a nice respected before.

» Magic «:
jman is a nice guy, he abides by the rules and need this definately :D

never had a problem with him before or with him being reported(with evidence)



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