Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Andy's Regular Application 4/12/2011
Steam: killingforaquid
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14292782
In-Game Name: [ZARP-OP] Andy
Time online: Varies dependant on day. Usually between 1-2 hours a day, and can exceed 5 hours or more on weekends and days where I'm not at college or seeing the misses.
Servers: TTT, Minecraft, Stronghold
Age: 19
Birthday: 18/05/1992
Games (on Steam): Complete Valve Pack; Complete THQ Pack; The Orange Box ; Sniper Elite ; CoD MW2 ; Audiosurf and a few miscellaneous games
Location: Leicester, England
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Well the time I've spent on the server currently, in my eyes, is obsolete. Although the names suggests that I should already be a regular, it could also mean that I'm on my way to BECOMING a regular. Being listed a guest doesn't give me an incentive to want to stay, because at the end of the day, I thrive on becoming parts of communities and I take a lot of pride in the speed in which I can get to know people. In another community called ZARP, I went from being a normal user to an Operator within about two-three months; not because the community is bad, but because I make myself stand out and act myself.
Contributions to RND: Contributions to RND will of course come when I have been around for longer.
I haven't played with you in-game, but you seem like a pretty cool guy on the forums.
You awesome +1.
This is disappointing. I've played around with a lot of people on the various servers, but unfortunately, none of them are posting on these. :P
This Toast:
+1 for me
Played with him in minecraft; very creative and determined.
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