.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Promotions (Read Only) => VIP => Approved => Topic started by: » Magic « on September 26, 2010, 11:00:53 AM

Title: 09/26/2010 Application: Sabbath - [APPROVED]
Post by: » Magic « on September 26, 2010, 11:00:53 AM
.:~SabbathFreak's VIP Application~:.

About Me:



Birth Date:
March 04, 1996.

Canada, eh!

Steam Information:

Account Name: warriorprop
Nickname: SabbathFreak=RHS=(MA)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32011794

More Information:

I am most active on the TTT server, though I sometimes visit ZS and build (rarely). Other than RND servers, I sometimes visit Sassilization servers, though I haven't played there in a long while. I'm online most of the day usually, and am usually on the TTT server. I want to be a VIP, to obviously deal with minges on the servers, and to use the restricted tools on the build server for the little time that I am on it. I'm also usually a fairly nice person, and help people a lot. I find a lot of the previous respected didn't fully understand the rules and what they are and are not allowed to kick/ ban for, so I would often explain the rules to them, and the new players. There were often either a lot of respectards on the TTT server, or no respected at all, and since I'm familiar with the rules and am on the server a lot, I could be a big help while we're still getting more VIP's, otherwise the server is pretty hectic. Example: a LOT of rdming and complaining, target rdm, etc because there are little or no people on to deal with the problems, or them simply don't care. I also don't make assumptions when starting a votekick (haven't had to use a voteban), and try to get all sides of the story as well. I don't hold grudges on people, so you won't see me making up stupid reasons for a kick on someone because I don't like them.

When it comes to larger problems on the server such as a hacker, I try my best to deal with the situation, and by this I don't mean: "ZOMG haxor must start voteban!!11!!1". What I do mean is that I will try my best to get a recording of the hacker as proof, get Steam ID and then possibly votekick/ban if I'm certain it's hacks, and finally report it on the forum.

As you may know, I have some interesting hobbies. The one I have been doing most recently is calligraphy (the art of fine writing). I believe I have posted some of my calligraphy projects on the forum some time ago. I am also having a lot of fun with photography, which I just got into not too long ago. I actually have taken some more pictures recently, which I intend to post on the forums soon :D .



1/3 - +1 good player in every aspect
Title: Re: 09/26/2010 Application: Sabbath
Post by: » Magic « on September 28, 2010, 10:05:27 AM

jk,  :thumbsup:

It's too 1337 for you
Title: Re: 09/26/2010 Application: Sabbath
Post by: Tomcat on September 30, 2010, 06:59:11 PM
+1 this app is win and so are you
Title: Re: 09/26/2010 Application: Sabbath
Post by: Banana Hat on October 02, 2010, 09:54:56 AM
Title: Re: 09/26/2010 Application: Sabbath
Post by: Moo on October 02, 2010, 02:41:45 PM