.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Support (Read Only) => Requests => Topic started by: Cryptokid on September 11, 2011, 10:22:13 AM

Title: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Cryptokid on September 11, 2011, 10:22:13 AM
This map has more votes than any other map. No one but 6 yearolds really like it and it is really just a joke map. Its played like 10 times a day. Watch the slew of  :thumbsup: if you don't believe how hated it is.

This is the ZS version I am talking about btw, I know nothing of the TTT version.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Sabb on September 11, 2011, 10:24:07 AM
There's already a thread for removing maps, but I agree either way.
It's really not a good TTT map, when krusty krab wins the vote, it's Trouble in Table Town. (all people do is try to fly tables...)
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Cryptokid on September 11, 2011, 10:33:09 AM
I should clarify this if for ttt. And this was kind of rushed because I had company. I'll move the post to the thread when I can.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: The punisher on September 11, 2011, 10:39:08 AM
I've been thinking about this map. It's very horribly bland, the only reason it is any good is because the skinning is great. Also, the TTT version isn't even a TTT version, a guy from noxious net, made a v4 of krusty krab, intended for zombie survival. Someone took the map and just added TTT weapons, and other scripts that have to do with TTT. I know this because it's exactly the same as the zombie survival version apart...  from the TTT weapons. This map would be great if it had a secret mermaid man and barnacle boy underground cave and stuff like that. other than that, this map has no hope of being anymore than bland.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Comic-Azie on September 11, 2011, 10:42:47 AM
Everytime i play on the ZS server Krusty krab is THE most common map played, since the server is overrun with children, they instinctively vote for something farmiliar/the only real parent they had (Spongebob)
I would love to see this map gone, nothing against the designer of the map. Its great, real duplicate of the tv show, but its overplayed WAY to much. And its not that great of a zs map or ttt map as well. No places to barricade and humans are guaranteed death.

 DEATH TO THE KRUSTY KRAB! :temperedsword:
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Travelsonic on September 11, 2011, 10:45:33 AM
If the author still has the original source, I'd be in favor of modifying the map, though I do agree that in terms of atempting to play this game it can be a real pain in the ass - regardless of being Inno or Detective.  With the props, and how close everybody can be inside, many many circumstances arise where it is absurdly easy to teamkill, and / or hurt others on our team [fucking up your karma].

On top of that, another issue I see:  It seems like all maps have some degree of natural obfuscation I guess I can call it, that is, parts of the map that are laid out where one has the ability to do things either without getting caught, OR with a much lower chance of getting caught compared to other portions of the map.  Some maps have too much, others have too little, and few, IMO, are fairly balanced.  This all, of course, using arbitrary and subjective terminology.  IMO, Krusty Krab falls on the extreme of having too little natural obfuscation, making playing T rather difficult at times, especially when the server is completely full.

That, and most rounds I've been deteriorate to some extent into dicking around with props.

[BTW: anybody interested in seeing either a TTT, or ZS map based off of the Nickelodeon game show Double Dare?   :trollface:]
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: yoshi on September 11, 2011, 10:53:49 AM
I always win on that map.. *kind of*

But it would be more appreciated to add more stuff into the map.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Loke on September 11, 2011, 11:18:19 AM
  :) :icecream: :quakemedallion: ;) :idk: :temperedsword: :quarterheart: :halfheart: :34heart: :fullheart:

remove now.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: cogsandspigots on September 11, 2011, 11:20:14 AM

Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Cryptokid on September 11, 2011, 11:46:58 AM
Once again, I know nothing of the TTT version, this is the Zombie Survival version I am referring to. But it seems the TTT version is just as bad. Why not remove both in a bundle package?  ;)
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: aerobro on September 11, 2011, 12:47:27 PM
The map wasn't made for ttt... it shouldn't be on the server at all
 :thumbsup: to having it removed.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: DrOctagonnapus on September 11, 2011, 12:52:22 PM
+1 This map causes all the russian 8 year olds to try to say krusty crack correctly its played all the time.. humans always lose.. people end up screaming in microphones trying to vote for the map and it seems again only the 5-10 year olds are the ones who want to play. very boring map.. gameplay never changes... spawncamp followed by camping the kitchen followed by death by clusterfuck..

remove plox
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: TehHank on September 11, 2011, 01:09:40 PM
ahh good times with TTT krusty krab when i was T and watched all the innocents killed themselves on flying tables, countless RDM and dat quite annoying tiny tim song i used to adore.

Remove now  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Ἆxule on September 11, 2011, 01:14:03 PM
Majority of the players who play obviously like KK, whether they're 6 or not.
It doean't matter how old they, the voting system is there for the majority that like it, not a for a select few who don't.
I say keep the map, it's more challenging and fun at the same time if you know how to play.
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: Prox on September 11, 2011, 01:21:14 PM
Hai guis im 6 yr old russian kid and I honestly think that the map is absolutely fine, it's balanced, design is good, and people don't rage quit like in some other maps that actually need to be removed so if you're thinking to remove this map then why not remove deathmaps too while we're at this?

Also what's wrong that humans always lose? Does that makes the map bad?
Title: Re: Remove: Krusty Krab
Post by: coolzeldad on September 11, 2011, 03:52:46 PM