1. Player's SteamID
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
(Kurtis was also a big help to this report)
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Zombie Survival
5. Description of the event(s)
Me and Kurtis had barricaded up in one of the med-bay rooms.
We notice most of the zombies were attacking the other humans in the other room on the other end.
The chem zombies that were attacking them were not lighting up the boards which meant someone was glitching them.
Arcoyle was the only human in that room with a barricade kit.
Me and Kurtis were in a Skype call so we decide to go over to their barricade and get a closer look.
Kurtis dies and I flee from our barricade.
As soon as I reach the other humans, I confirm that their barricade is glitched.
A chem zombie runs up behind me and as I run off,
Arcoyle kills it which kills me and says, " np [no problem]".
For two waves, only one or two barricade boards broke,
even with the chem zombies exploded right in front of them.
The humans win in the end.
6. Reason for ban
Glitching barricade boards that prevent chems from lighting them on fire.
He constantly refuses to break them.
(View evidence for screenshots of chat)
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Thanks to Kurtis for the screenshots of the chat.