Stop being a fag and go with TTT.
DarkRP is just... failure, now if it had zombies, it would be awesome. but it doesn't, so it is not awesome.
What are you talking about? i played a DarkRP with zombies the other day....
oh ok then... DarkRP is awesome, well the one you went to lolol
Lol ya gotta love gmod because you can always add something into a gamemode Lol
Job Name: Furrywhatthefuckamireading.jpg
Model: Renemon (Or however the hell you spell that.)
Description: Herp-a-derp
No, I'm not a Furry, but I've seen this Job in just about every RP Server I've ever been to.
...Which is Exactly why I never go to RP Servers.
Job Name: Furryyoujustwentfullretarded.png
Model: Renemon (Or however the hell you spell that.)
Description: Herp-a-derp
No, I'm not a Furry, but I've seen this Job in just about every RP Server I've ever been to.
...Which is Exactly why I never go to RP Servers.
sorry by my bad english i am 13 years old! and I AM NOT ENGLISH!!
DarkRP just plain fails.
Funfact: Over 50% of gmod servers are running some shitty darkrp based gm, 20% are running an original RP gm, 20% use TTT, 10% have another gm thats not sandbox.
cake faic i dont like you u are a bad person u always say gtfo u dont have many friends in real life i thinkHow the hell do you know.
cake faic i dont like you u are a bad person u always say gtfo u dont have many friends in real life i thinkcaik feces is awsome
dont matter if u like cake faic his a bad person >:(