.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Promotions (Read Only) => Regular => Unapproved => Topic started by: V-man on August 21, 2011, 03:26:04 AM

Title: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: V-man on August 21, 2011, 03:26:04 AM


In-Game Name:

Time online:
Nearly Always



18 of March

Games (on Steam):
Garrys mod
HL2 Lost Coast


Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I want to be a Regular to help admins and VIPs, i think i should be since ive changed and i dont rage

Contributions to RND:
to be honest, i  never done anything special nor much
iv wrote a TTT how to be a good traitor guide, i enforce the rules ( stop reasonless arguing mostly )

If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
PM on forum

Thank you for your time and trouble, i appriciate you reading this.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Ἆxule on August 21, 2011, 03:33:30 AM
You say you quit raging, and you have, but it's only been a few days.
for now, I don't think you're ready. a week from now and you continue to do what you do, then totally
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: semy32 on August 21, 2011, 03:34:36 AM
You say you quit raging, and you have, but it's only been a few days.
for now, I don't think you're ready. a week from now and you continue to do what you do, then totally

Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: R41D3R on August 21, 2011, 03:46:10 AM
I've seen this player in TTT many times and is a nice player.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Dark Pacifist on August 21, 2011, 03:54:14 AM
I'd give you a chance v-man against my better judgement but, I dont think you've changed much.You have indeed made it appear that you have straightened out but, I Honestly wan't to see more improvement before I'll 1up your application. Sorry. :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: blαh2355 on August 21, 2011, 04:04:00 AM
Ah no, can be a minge at times (sometimes a lot) :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 21, 2011, 04:04:50 AM
I told you to stop raging. Ts killed you and you started blaming everybody.You rage over your mic until my ears bleed.You said that you would stop raging, but you kept raging over the slightest incident. I'm sorry but  :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Ἆxule on August 21, 2011, 04:23:35 AM
I'm going with  :thumbsdown: not because you used to rage, but becuase you've rdm'd a few times here and there.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: V-man on August 21, 2011, 05:20:41 AM
I have not rdmed, That was soo not rdm, it was KOS, called out Ts, etc and plus even if i did rdm the Traitors how would i know it was them since it was rdm, so that means i kill ppl with proof that they are traitors
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 21, 2011, 06:36:09 AM
Example-Start of round, I shout out a "lalala is a traitor" kos him!, yea so thats what you mean. you just kill anyone that people asked to kos.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Goat on August 21, 2011, 07:50:39 AM
I've had problems with people under the age of 13. I played with him awhile back and he was kewl. What's this about raging? You need to learn that this group has a lot of assholes that will push you til your ready to explode. He is A LOT more mature than some of our other youngsters. He knows the rules very well and helped me make a report that never got posted. He would make a great addition to the group.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 21, 2011, 08:29:38 AM
I've had problems with people under the age of 13. I played with him awhile back and he was kewl. What's this about raging? You need to learn that this group has a lot of assholes that will push you til your ready to explode. He is A LOT more mature than some of our other youngsters. He knows the rules very well and helped me make a report that never got posted. He would make a great addition to the group.

About the mature part, NOOOOOOOOOO  :fire:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Dark Pacifist on August 21, 2011, 08:34:38 AM
I'll certainly agree that he is more mature than some others in his age group but, he still has to manage his temper better other than that I agree with he would be okay addition. So if he cools it a bit and refrains a bit from rdm'ing I'll thumbs up his app no problem.
*8/22/2011 he raged in ttt with out provocation I now say he shouldn't even think about applying for reg until he learns to chill out.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Roach :3 on August 21, 2011, 10:10:22 AM
I don't you you are ready.(I don't want to say anything bad)

You should take your time to fix your problems with other players.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on August 21, 2011, 10:56:46 AM
I'd give you a chance v-man against my better judgement but, I dont think you've changed much.You have indeed made it appear that you have straightened out but, I Honestly wan't to see more improvement before I'll 1up your application. Sorry. :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on August 21, 2011, 01:14:37 PM
A huge -1 from me.

Immature, rages, exaggerates...I could make a whole list of reason why he shouldn't be regular. (exaggeration)

No, just no.

I don't think he has changed in that little time.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Yellow Killer on August 21, 2011, 02:53:19 PM
Rager, not a good friend, mean to me.  :thumbsdown: MAYBE I WILL reconsider if your more nice, and if you calm down but for now,  :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on August 21, 2011, 03:47:37 PM
Fucking Rager, not a good friend, mean to me.  :thumbsdown: MAYBE I WILL reconsider if your more nice, and if you calm the fuck down but for now,  :thumbsdown:

Please refrain from using unnecessary language. We're not barbarians you know.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: mickey0528 on August 21, 2011, 10:51:26 PM
1:being too annoying with mic
2:not aged enough
3:not mature
4:being offensive

i personally dont like you, and i think most ppl don't. so: :thumbsdown:

ps: try to be more mature, stop minging, make people happy, and you may get reg more easily
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: This Toast on August 22, 2011, 01:35:04 AM
Everybody hates you basically for your mic spamming and trolling :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Tezuni on August 22, 2011, 01:48:41 AM
V-Man only gets angry in response to trolls and people who instigate a reaction from him.
He's really a nice guy though.
I say we give him a chance.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 22, 2011, 04:13:17 AM
V-Man only gets angry in response to trolls and people who instigate a reaction from him.
He's really a nice guy though.
I say we give him a chance.

Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: TehHank on August 22, 2011, 05:36:54 AM
V-Man only gets angry in response to trolls and people who instigate a reaction from him.
He's really a nice guy though.
I say we give him a chance.

on topic:  :thumbsdown: because of his general annoyance and random KOS's for no apparent reason during the first minute of the round
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Prox on August 22, 2011, 05:57:45 AM
Everyone has an opinion of their own.

Anyways, I don't think I played with him.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Goat on August 22, 2011, 06:29:58 AM
It seems that every opinion that isn't their own gets denied and shoved into the dirty laundry hamper.  W.e he is good guy and of would abuse his rank (implying that the rank in question has any power at all).
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Apie2 on August 22, 2011, 10:19:02 AM
You raged a bit don't you think.
Whit saying stuff like bitch faggoth saying you were going to ddos...
And then you go sing in your mic... That sounded like crap and everybody said stop it please like that.
Nope srry  :thumbsdown:
(I think that you aren't really a bad person but what I saw I only can give you that)
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Deacon on August 22, 2011, 10:44:28 AM
Isn't a ddos threat equivalent to that of a myppl ban
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Pilot on August 22, 2011, 11:21:09 AM
If there has to be this much discussion about whether or not he is fit for reg, he's definitely not ready for it.

Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: danaman on August 22, 2011, 12:25:24 PM
I'd give you a chance v-man against my better judgement but, I dont think you've changed much.You have indeed made it appear that you have straightened out but, I Honestly wan't to see more improvement before I'll 1up your application. Sorry. :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 22, 2011, 11:08:06 PM
You raged a bit don't you think.
Whit saying stuff like bitch faggoth saying you were going to ddos...
And then you go sing in your mic... That sounded like crap and everybody said stop it please like that.
Nope srry  :thumbsdown:
(I think that you aren't really a bad person but what I saw I only can give you that)

Instead of him not getting reg, get him banned. He wanted to ddos the server. Every single threat is still a threat

Picture below.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Mecha on August 22, 2011, 11:37:45 PM
-.- Ik you, you rage and your applying really fast, Many have been applying really fast, So I would if I were you wait and fix your rage problem.

Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Apie2 on August 23, 2011, 02:30:48 AM

Instead of him not getting reg, get him banned. He wanted to ddos the server. Every single threat is still a threat

Picture below.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
He said that twice I go ddos.  (I got 2 pics on stema profil.)
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: [Valor]iPounce on August 23, 2011, 02:53:30 AM
Oh boy....

General asshat, minging now a threat? Okay ban

And the troll supports the faggotry thread
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: MrGodlike on August 23, 2011, 03:35:18 AM
I kinda feel sorry for him tho. Lol
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: DanK on August 23, 2011, 04:28:34 AM
You threatened to DDoS the server yesterday. Remember that?
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Dark Pacifist on August 23, 2011, 04:29:49 AM
for suspected ddosing of the server today and accusing someone else I vote he gets banned.
Only because he has claimed several times that he has ddosed the server before. And Has repeatedly threatened to.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: I TALK IN CAPS IM C00L on August 23, 2011, 04:31:57 AM
You are very annoying, threaten to DDOS, and are in general a prick. You are not mature, and have not changed.  :thumbsdown: for sure.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Kahuna on August 23, 2011, 04:59:20 AM
 :thumbsdown:, He'll rage the first chance he gets and then go make an idiotic report.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: A4F| Ghost on August 23, 2011, 04:12:34 PM
Very immature definitely not ready for reg , whines alot on the server and even threatened to ddos it
 :thumbsdown: from me
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Prox on August 23, 2011, 04:25:47 PM
for suspected ddosing of the server today and accusing someone else I vote he gets banned.
I do believe it was Zen who ddosed after I banned him for 1 hour, so I highly doubt that it was v-man.
So his accuse was probably correct. Even when he threatened to ddos I somehow doubt that he actually did,
although rules are rules.

Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Dark Pacifist on August 23, 2011, 06:54:33 PM
Thanks for the heads up prox it's just that I continued playing for over 1 hour of the ddos after 20 minutes there was no longer a trace of zen or his friends and v-man continued playing. It finally stopped when V-man left the server so it could still have been either one doing it but it's all way too coincidental. so either way one is certainly trying to frame the other.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: V-man on August 23, 2011, 11:14:13 PM
I suspect that zen will return, only in another form, Remember he has hacks, he must have bought seth hack and downloaded fap hack, i think that he can change his steam ID and will use a proxy to enter, Be aware
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: V-man on August 23, 2011, 11:16:49 PM
P.S. i would never break rules, this is one of my fav servers :D
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: thatcoolguy on August 24, 2011, 12:13:32 AM
v-man was being an arse to me and this other guy today
not sure if i'm allowed to vote seeing as i'm not a regular but if i was i'd say  :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Sabb on August 24, 2011, 12:19:04 AM
v-man was being an arse to me and this other guy today
not sure if i'm allowed to vote seeing as i'm not a regular but if i was i'd say  :thumbsdown:
Anyone can vote.
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Dark Pacifist on August 24, 2011, 02:24:40 AM
V-man Im giving you a chance I dont wan't to hear any new ddos threats or see you rage. SO you are lucky that I'm not counting the confusion the other day. If you start acting like "sharpie eastern" I'll see that you get banned. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Bullet Freeman on August 24, 2011, 11:12:35 AM
NO!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg2u_De8j5o#ws)

thats my opinion
Title: Re: [Reapply]V-mans Regular Application [21.8.2011]
Post by: Tomcat on August 24, 2011, 06:21:07 PM
Im sorry V-man but your Regular Request has been Denied

Please remake your app when you have a better status with the community