.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Bans (Read Only) => Report => Approved => Topic started by: Tezuni on August 08, 2011, 02:13:30 PM

Title: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Tezuni on August 08, 2011, 02:13:30 PM
1. Player's SteamID

2. Player's nickname
Letz Shake

3. Your in-game name

4. Server name
Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of event(s):
Letz Shake called out the traitos at the start of every round.
==>Sometimes "Letz Shake" and his buddy "Loli Gagger" would be on the traitor team when doing this.
==>More alarmingly, sometimes neither of them were a traitor when calling out the traitors.

6. Reason for ban
"Letz Shake" is a massive troll. 
The title explains what he is guilty of and the video proves it. 
Also there were regular server go-ers who witnessed everything and i'm sure they will support this topic.

7: Screenshot(s) or demo(s)
(Warning:  Some of the video contains Letz Shake's pornographic spray)
Video Evidence (DailyMotion) (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkfo37_letzshake_videogames)Watch in HD 720p

I did a lot of work for this...filming, splitting clips, converting, uploading, making this report.
I hope a permanent ban for this troll is considered, as he was already JBanned.
That's all.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on August 08, 2011, 02:32:25 PM

Still publishing.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Tezuni on August 08, 2011, 03:26:01 PM
Oh....Yeah it was playing for me only cause it was publishing....didn't even know.
Anyways it's fully published now.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Deacon on August 08, 2011, 04:33:48 PM
absolutely support this.
video proof.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Ἆxule on August 09, 2011, 01:22:59 AM
Support from me.

Not really knowing of what these dudes did, Loli Gagger called me out as his T buddy.
Luckily, everyone on either didn't hear or were considerate enough to not kill me they had proof.

Next round Shake called his T buddies out.

Here is Loli Gagger's Steam ID:

Feel free to add it along with the report.

Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Tezuni on August 09, 2011, 02:23:17 AM
Unfortunately, I never bothered to gather proof about Loli Gagger.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Deacon on August 09, 2011, 02:28:32 AM
loligagger.dem (http://www.mediafire.com/?v6bwlfx8ed666l6)

Got rid of him today.
His buddy shake can be heard saying "I gave you the names but they don't listen" or something to that effect
Shortly after loligagger left, shake also left (having no one left to ghost with.)

I put this demo here since they work together, it didn't make sense to make a whole new report.

and i know we don't ban based on what people do on other servers, but I don't think we're special enough that they wouldn't do that crap here. They've proved it. google the steam ids
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: This Toast on August 09, 2011, 02:55:28 AM
Witnessed Shake's ghost
Victim by Loli gagger -_-.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: danaman on August 09, 2011, 03:10:55 AM
yus!  :thumbsup:
i saw the spray and was going to report for that but then tezuni said he was gonna :P
also i saw them ghosting too
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Roach :3 on August 09, 2011, 08:11:42 AM
I support it I was there Well what can I say he said it all for me.
Title: Re: (JBanned) Letz Shake: Cheating, Ghosting, Pornographic Spray, Mic Harass, RDM
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on August 09, 2011, 11:26:43 AM
Sounds like traitor hacks to me

Instant video proof, thank you.


I also had problems with this guy, I recalling him saying once "What are you going to do, report me? Lawl" when he was trolling the other players in the server..Can't report that D: