If you hold a prop with the magneto stick, and move the prop manually out of the way while hugging the wall of the stairs, you can safely remove it. It's actually quite simple.
If you hold a prop with the magneto stick, and move the prop manually out of the way while hugging the wall of the stairs, you can safely remove it. It's actually quite simple.Yeah that's what I do gamefreak, sometimes when I become spectator I remove the object and throw it down the stairs. But noooo, some troll has to come and blocks it again.
It's need te be deleted.
But I like that trap When you spectad someone and you see him running through the laser and BOEM.
But I hate the abbusing of it. So :thumbsup:
oh dat spectad featureLike I said earlier.
making people asplode
mmmm bump
I found out that now that planting C4's in richland crash the server for some reason.
Can we have the old one back please? :3
I crashed it by putting C4 in a bathtub.
How the fuck does that even crash the server?
How the fuck does that even crash the server?
ImageDat default blood.
7 people.
Dat default blood.So...
imageoh god D:
7 people.
defusing isnt hard. you just need a dead guy to move the prop derpWhat if it's a dead body...