Did anyone else notice the knife teamkill by Mecha♥?
Just noticed that too...It could be possible that Mecha was trying to knife FraG but failed horribly, missed and hit jeremy, and then got killed by FraG?...Let's get Mecha on here.
11:38 AM - =BTD= Pilot: did you knife jimmy accidentally
11:39 AM - =BTD= Pilot: in that one round with fragz
11:39 AM - Mecha♥: yeah, he jumped in the way
11:39 AM - Mecha♥: it was complete accident
11:39 AM - Mecha♥: thats why my karma is low
11:39 AM - =BTD= Pilot: oh ok haha
11:39 AM - =BTD= Pilot: you were trying to knife fragz?
11:39 AM - Mecha♥: yeah
11:39 AM - =BTD= Pilot: ok
11:39 AM - Mecha♥: he was with my and jimmy so i tried to get him and jimmy got in the way
11:40 AM - Mecha♥: i was pissed
11:40 AM - =BTD= Pilot: yeah its ok
11:40 AM - =BTD= Pilot: forums was just wondering what happened
He rdmed misstie :thumbsup:...
He rdmed misstie :thumbsup:
Ok,I randomly rdmed 5 poeple all other kills where proof....
I was walking into the traitor tester in ttt_alt_borders.. And I sen a guy kill sombody with a deagle so I killed him... Apparently he was INNO then a guy tried to shoot me for killing him. I turned around and shot him and killed him and he was inno too..
Well,then I raged and rdmed like 5 poeple dot really remember....
Then I calmed down and I DNA'd a c4 I got 2 samples 1 led to a traitors dead body and the other one led to Pilot. Yeah so I killed Pilot.. He raged..
Well,then I raged and rdmed like 5 poeple dot really remember....(http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVWCNBwe0Q6lwb2stHM_HV578la_pEsbGh0irh_xc0htbkw23p)