1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
5. Description of the event(s)
When I first joined, the round was almost over. After it was and I checked the scoreboard, I saw that brandon had rdm'd four people (2T's, 2Inno's).
I didn't really see if what had happened before, so I didn't really consider it a mass rdm because some of it could have been an accident or along the lines of that. So I have Brandon is warning, he didn't give me a reply, and we went on playing.
A map later, the round was going and everyone was on the roof of Peache's Castle and I'm viewing brandon when out of no where he kills a T. I checked the damage logs and it turned out the T he killed didn't do anything. This leads me to assume he's ghosting.
6. Reason for ban
Rdm after warning/possible ghosting (not enough proof)
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
SS1: Steam ID's
SS2: Scoreboard
SS3: Damagelogs 1/2
SS4: Damagelogs 2/2
SS5: Warning
*After Warning
SS6: Damagelog
8. Extra(s)
Proof of ghosting:
Who he ghosted with info:
Steam ID:
W01f 0'Donn3ll
SS7: Friends List
SS8: Proof of ghosting
As you can see in the picture, W01f was a Traitor along with the victim of brandon's rdm. the victim hadn't done anything, and brandon killed him.
I'll let you decide whether they're ghosting or not, though I truly believe that they are.