.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Promotions (Read Only) => Regular => Approved => Topic started by: Kevlar on July 13, 2011, 08:39:26 PM
IGN: Kevlar
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33851833
Time online: Whenever I can find the time, and can grab some friends to join me.
Which servers am I on?: SledBuild server, TTTown, Flood.
Age: 17 (Woohoo!!! I don't have a goddamn child's voice!)
Random facts: I don't bitch (often). Unless it involves copious amounts of high pitched voices over ingame mic. I don't beg for crap, My third account with g-mod...I've owned my own build server on three different occasions.
Contributions: A NOT child member, Rule enforcement, and a jolly amount of sled building.
Cheers. Bros.
Edit: Glory to the hypno-toad?
I don't believe I've ever seen you on TTT, but it's cool. Make your app better and I'll support, unless someone else who knows you better says other wise
Edit: Just say you on TTT, seem pretty cool.
You have my support now,
Good Luck!
I change names a lot. Lol. I just use Kevlar the most often. Either way, I'll be around with my regular name more often.
Haven't seen you... :-\
I'm the guy that won over 20 sled races in a row.....LOL. Until that cookie guy beat me.
I've seen you in TTT yesterday and you weren't raging on anybody/anything.
So :thumbsup: :P
Still can't beat me on Sledbuild.. ;)
But his voice be sexy tellin off them little kiddies.
Playing with him on Sledbuild now
Haha. Thanks. I'll keep on trying to come up with sled ideas....><. I'll get you someday.
Nice guy fun 2 play with
I like when you do fake accents, quite fun and I've seen you playing a couple of times. :thumbsup: