If furries were real, I'd be in an orgy.
If ponies/slenderman were real, then I'd became mentally insane very easily.... ponies are real.
(http://www.adisc.org/forum/attachments/babyfur-littlefur/607d1261113785-fursuit-show-n-tell-hmmmmm.jpg)Not that kind.
... ponies are real.
Uhh...not...that...kind, you know what I mean.:l
If furries were real, I'd be in an orgy.
If fallout was real, I would be in the BoS.
Pffft...I brokered an alliance between NCR and BoS, so we are buds.
NCR ftw!
I brokered an alliance between NCR and BoS, so we are buds.