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Entertainment (Read Only) => Videos => Topic started by: Proudly Infected on June 24, 2011, 02:26:44 PM
Half Life Episode 2 is pretty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHJMB7kCcYo&hd=1#ws)
check em.
Damn dat purty girl.
i love EP2
dat looks like fake factory?
I hate Alyx's look in fake factory.
woah guys is this what it looks ingame?
or is it just rendering? O0
nope its not fakefactory its all vanilla. and no thats not ingame that all post editing.
nope its not fakefactory its all vanilla. and no thats not ingame that all post editing.
if that was real i will download xD
What do you mean OIC? and if by filters you mean effects, really I guess all I did was add 3 tones of color curves, soft color correction, A very subtle soft saturation, a vignette effect, more or less a simple contrast adjustment. I rendered the original demo with a motion blur script I modified for virtualdub. I think that's all. Can't remember.
What do you mean OIC? and if by filters you mean effects, really I guess all I did was add 3 tones of color curves, soft color correction, A very subtle soft saturation, a vignette effect, more or less a simple contrast adjustment. I rendered the original demo with a motion blur script I modified for virtualdub. I think that's all. Can't remember.
OIC = Oh I See
The more you know!