A free to play online rhythm game that users create the beatmap for. My friend showed it to me but I got agitated due to the fact my hand is ALWAYS shaking and I can't hit the beats at the right time, but I would like to show you guys it. http://osu.ppy.sh/ (http://osu.ppy.sh/)
Here is a video demonstrating what it's like: Song: Bad apple Osu! - [Touhou] Bad Apple!! PV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL4_t4ufhY0&feature=related#)
The best I can get is a B (89.24%) ;_;
Pretty much, you have to listen to the beat of the song and hit the beats when the outline is exactly on the circle to get max points whilst looking for the next beat. Also there are spins and replays causing it to be a bit more complicated. I can never tell how many repeats there are suppose to be T_T
Same song on Lunatic: OSU! Bad Apple [Lunatic] - FC! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIoV1IImnFk#ws)