.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Bans (Read Only) => Report => Approved => Topic started by: Claymore1 on June 09, 2011, 04:09:50 PM

Title: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Claymore1 on June 09, 2011, 04:09:50 PM
1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18259561

2. Players Nickname: ledjohnny

3. Your in-game name: Ezio Auditore da Firenze

4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event:

Ledjohnny calls out his traitor buddies. Me, Mr. Freeman, and ledjohnny were traitors and he called us all out. I've heard he has quite the reputation for doing this.

6. Reason for ban: See description.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: blαh2355 on June 09, 2011, 04:11:54 PM
You need evidence like pictures or video.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: ursus on June 09, 2011, 04:15:06 PM
He has a history of being a minge, but we can't really do anything unless you have some evidence...
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: ledjohnny on June 09, 2011, 04:15:45 PM
Nein minge!
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 09, 2011, 04:18:49 PM
Ughh, I thought you would have a LITTLE bit of proof. Anyways, I witnessed and he did call them out, TWICE. Unfortunately no proof is here so I cannot force you guys to +1 this. P.S. He also rdms whenever he gets the chance (always liability)
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deacon on June 09, 2011, 04:19:57 PM
you had me at ledjohnny.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: ursus on June 09, 2011, 04:27:18 PM
you had me at ledjohnny.

pretty much this
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 09, 2011, 05:20:33 PM

 :thumbsup: even though there's no evidence. He's done so much shit in the past, and I think

Nein minge!

is enough of a confession :\
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Frank on June 09, 2011, 05:57:59 PM
Led you fucking asshole. Why is it that I see you reported once each 2 months?
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Sabb on June 09, 2011, 07:14:20 PM

Why is everyone over reacting to one fucking report that was so poorly done with no proof?
For all you know, Led did nothing wrong here...

And wtf Frank? Once every two months?

I haven't even seen him in the servers for soooo many months.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: ursus on June 09, 2011, 07:20:04 PM

Why is everyone over reacting to one fucking report that was so poorly done with no proof?
For all you know, Led did nothing wrong here...

And wtf Frank? Once every two months?

I haven't even seen him in the servers for soooo many months.

It's not really overreacting imo, it's just the fact that led almost literally does nothing but start shit. And everyone just overlooks it.

A long time ago, I reported him for about 3 different occasions of glitching on various maps and a variety of other stuff.

Magic banned him for 2 weeks, then unbanned him 2 hours later because "it was his birthday".

He's been let off enough, but there's also the fact that there's no evidence to the report.

He can probably take this as a warning not to do anything else before he gets banned for a very, very long time.

But that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Foofoojack on June 09, 2011, 07:54:21 PM
You guys have said it MULTIPLE times.
No proof, no ban.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Seb on June 09, 2011, 08:20:59 PM

Why is everyone over reacting to one fucking report that was so poorly done with no proof?
For all you know, Led did nothing wrong here...

And wtf Frank? Once every two months?

I haven't even seen him in the servers for soooo many months.

The fuck, have you turned into newbie-defending me lately? Except without getting -1'd whenever you do it?
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 09, 2011, 08:39:18 PM

Why is everyone over reacting to one fucking report that was so poorly done with no proof?
For all you know, Led did nothing wrong here...

And wtf Frank? Once every two months?

I haven't even seen him in the servers for soooo many months.

> Did nothing wrong
> two people saw him call out his traitor buddies

And led does this shit all the time, and constantly gets away with it.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Frank on June 09, 2011, 08:41:58 PM

Why is everyone over reacting to one fucking report that was so poorly done with no proof?
For all you know, Led did nothing wrong here...

And wtf Frank? Once every two months?

I haven't even seen him in the servers for soooo many months.
Maybe not exactly once very two months, but come on. At least once each six months SOMEONE reports Led. I ain't got nothing personal against him(the fucking asshole wasn't srs insult) but damn, who gets reported so much?
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 09, 2011, 08:51:07 PM
but damn, who gets reported so much?

Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: yoshi on June 10, 2011, 03:29:11 AM
How come i like Ledjohnny so much?
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Jman on June 10, 2011, 05:34:52 AM
While there is no solid proof,  :thumbsup:

The ONLY time I was traitor buddies with him he called me out and then said he was just trolling when I asked him.

I was such a hardcore mad I was about to report him myself, but I'm just too lazy.

For all of you that think he wouldn't do something like this...
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Don on June 10, 2011, 06:29:36 AM
The fuck, have you turned into newbie-defending me lately? Except without getting -1'd whenever you do it?
Ledjohnny has been here a long time ... it's hardly newbie-defending.

Besides, I personally have never had any problems with ledjohnny and this report sure as hell doesn't make me change my mind - lots of words, nothing to back it up.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Foofoojack on June 10, 2011, 06:43:05 AM
Ledjohnny has been here a long time ... it's hardly newbie-defending.

Besides, I personally have never had any problems with ledjohnny and this report sure as hell doesn't make me change my mind - lots of words, nothing to back it up.

This right here.

You all say you can't ban without evidence on other reports, so why a different direction on this one?
I suggest following the guidelines.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 10, 2011, 06:48:05 AM
This right here.

You all say you can't ban without evidence on other reports, so why a different direction on this one?
I suggest following the guidelines.


other reports come from unknown people banning other unknown people for insane reasons.

This report is some random person making a report on someone who has done these sort of things on a regular basis, and is known enough by the community that people can believe truthfully he did it.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Sabb on June 10, 2011, 07:17:39 AM
The only reason I'm not agreeing with everyone and jumping on the lets-ban-ledjohnny-bandwagon is not because I think led is innocent or some shit, but everyone's asking for him to be banned and the report has absolutely no evidence what so ever on him.
Not only that, but I haven't myself seen him do anything wrong since he had stopped the mass RDM shit.

I'm sure he does other shit too, but I never see it, and my opinion is based off what I see, not off of other peoples' word. At least when it comes to a report like this, where there's no proof or any shit what so ever.

So no, I'm not saying he doesn't do anything wrong, he probably does. But I never see it anymore, and I haven't seen him on the servers for soooooo long, and the second he's mentioned on the forum everyone goes banhappy.

Someone, when you're playing with him start recording and report it, and then I'll keep my mouth shut. If there were proof in this report, it would be the same, I would just move onto another thread.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: jimonions on June 10, 2011, 07:24:19 AM
I wont be banning on no evidence, if nothing is provided this will be locked in 1wk.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Foofoojack on June 10, 2011, 07:32:13 AM

other reports come from unknown people banning other unknown people for insane reasons.

This report is some random person making a report on someone who has done these sort of things on a regular basis, and is known enough by the community that people can believe truthfully he did it.
think you're missing the point, I fully understand a lot of people here can truthfully say he did something wrong, but it's just rules
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 10, 2011, 07:33:55 AM
There is no evidence so you might as well lock it now, unless he is that tarded and does it again while he alrddy has a report on him...Sorry Jim, we will get evidence next time.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Shawn on June 10, 2011, 07:34:14 AM
O.o look another ban led thread...

(have fun trying to ban him, it never happens.)

i'd love to say +1 becuase he's known for doing this so manytimes but without proof -1 until there is some.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 10, 2011, 07:36:08 AM
O.o look another ban led thread...

(have trying to ban him, it never happens.)

i'd love to say +1 becuase he's known for doing this so manytimes but without proof -1 until there is some.

This is getting locked, don't worry. We will get proof next time.
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 10, 2011, 07:48:10 AM
Isn't this why console logs were invented? ;v
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 10, 2011, 07:54:14 AM
Isn't this why console logs were invented? ;v

Errr what? He called out his buddies on the mic...Or am I missing something here?
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: Deathie on June 10, 2011, 08:12:35 AM
Errr what? He called out his buddies on the mic...Or am I missing something here?


Nevermind :V
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: ·UηİŦ·· on June 13, 2011, 05:41:06 AM
Oh Led...

I remember the first time he was on da servrdr...
I couldn't help but lol when I saw this... I have not seen Led in forever...
I remember how many times people raegquit.
Good times. [/colour]
Title: Re: Ban request for ledjohnny
Post by: » Magic « on June 13, 2011, 08:59:13 AM
Late to the party :cake:

banned for 2 weeks