.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Bans (Read Only) => Report => Approved => Topic started by: Tezuni on June 08, 2011, 08:36:22 PM

Title: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Tezuni on June 08, 2011, 08:36:22 PM
1. I don't know how to get his steam ID, but it's the Mr. Freeman that goes regularly to the server.

2. Mr. Freeman

3. Tezuni

4. TTT

5. Mr. Freeman was harassing me in chat and when that wasn't enough to get a reaction from me, he started prop pushing me off edges and into corners until it killed me.

6. Mr. Freeman attempting to prop push me to death every round on the map "vessel" / Constant chat harassment whenever he joins the server.

7. Although just a small portion of his abuse, I did get solid evidence, take a look:   

Video:  FreemanAbuse (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj6u30)
(Watch it in HD!)

Screenshot:  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/freemanabuse.png/ (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/freemanabuse.png/)
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing (With evidence)
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 08, 2011, 08:41:44 PM
Type status in console, it should show names and steamID's, as for the video, I'll wait for other people's opinion
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Foofoojack on June 08, 2011, 09:46:27 PM
Good evidence.  :thumbsup:
He should know the rules by now, he's ranked #1 in our TTT.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Deacon on June 08, 2011, 09:48:40 PM
he DOES know the rules.
guess hes finally had enough of following the rules

i support any action taken.
i do like how he himself was pushed at the end.

ttt is going to hell.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Foofoojack on June 08, 2011, 09:49:17 PM
Going to talk to him now..
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Peter Petrelli on June 08, 2011, 09:50:39 PM
Wtf Tezuni.. In the past you done a lot of proppushing and Freeman only proppushed you 1 time and you get all pissed.. Calm down brah  :thumbsdown:

Also you hate freeman because this Tezuni:freenab u dumb aim botter
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Deacon on June 08, 2011, 09:51:45 PM
I have had a few people ask me about his behavior lately. I guess this is what they meant.
hes normally known for being very skilled.

Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: FRESCO on June 08, 2011, 10:16:12 PM
hey TEZUNI IS BEING A sour player!
he has ghosted,RDM'ED,AND propkilling !and  FREEMAN HAZ only pushed you once!
THAT EVERY ONE DOES "SOMETIMES" TEZUNI MORE THAN FREEMAN! >:( i promise tez im gonna kill you if you mess with the freeman!
i dont care if i get banned for it!     

and i have PROOF OF YOU GHOSTING, you stoped so i did not post nothing.                                     

unless >:( behave and you will be respected is that CLEAR?
earn it!
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ursus on June 08, 2011, 10:18:04 PM
THAT EVERY ONE DOES "SOMETIMES" TEZUNI MORE THAN FREEMAN! >:( i promise tez im gonna kill you if you mess with the freeman!
i dont care if i get banned for it!                                         

unless >:( behave and you will be respected is that CLEAR?
earn it!


Dude what


I don't understand a word of what you're saying.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: FRESCO on June 08, 2011, 10:35:05 PM
ah and one more thing!

tezuni you called FREEMAN a FREENAB!
hes the most skilled terrorist

this server haves fine team of people working on it
that means they have aimbot detectors,plugins,scripts: to aid players to get a fair game.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 08, 2011, 10:39:28 PM
Tezuni....really? ???
Just calm down.
Its a game and it was one time.
I did that because i was tired to listen this:freenab u dumb aim botter or something like that.
And you are mad for that.
Because i have good aim.
More than you.
You proppushed too and i didn't say nothing because everyone does that sometimes. :D
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Tezuni on June 08, 2011, 11:30:45 PM
It wasn't once freeman, you killed me from prop pushing constantly.
I can't prove that, but I got you doing it once on film.
Deal with it.  :yes:
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 09, 2011, 12:00:21 AM
It was in 1 round i pushed you into the wather,then you come back, and i killed you thats all
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Prox on June 09, 2011, 12:42:04 AM
Even if Tezuni did all that what you guys have said, it still doesn't make prop push allowed for Mr. Freeman.
If you guys have evidence about Tezuni breaking the rules then make a report.
tezuni you called FREEMAN a FREENAB!
OH SHIT yo he fckin called my friend a nab, DAMN that has to mean SOO MUCH because this is internet.

Anyways, I support this report.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: This Toast on June 09, 2011, 01:07:35 AM
I believe this Mr. Freeman is different from our #1. Try to look at his profile.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 09, 2011, 01:24:26 AM
This Toast im the only one who plays on TTT
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: This Guy on June 09, 2011, 02:50:54 AM
I guess by now Mr.Freeman should know the rules of the server, one is: NO PROP PUSHING

Now Freeman, if you had any proof of Tezuni prop pushing then you go report him. I know I hate prop pushing but most of the times I am on a good mood that's why I don't report much of them, but when the its excessive prop pushing then I shall report.

I  :thumbsup: this report
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ravemon on June 09, 2011, 03:24:56 AM
I want freeman toget banned too! He was helping T but he was innocent . He camp and T didn't kill em playing With his FUCKIN C4
Then he said all people who play along in the server to kill the new player

Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ٶȻhriʂ on June 09, 2011, 03:50:28 AM
I want freeman toget banned too! He was helping T but he was innocent . He camp and T didn't kill em playing With his FUCKIN C4
Then he said all people who play along in the server to kill the new player

oh lawd if that is true +1
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Dale Feles on June 09, 2011, 04:06:41 AM
I think that if ever Mr. Freeman gets banned (for prop pushing) I think that Tezuni should too, he has prop pushed way more then Freeman. As for Tezuni ghosting, I've never witnessed it.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ٶȻhriʂ on June 09, 2011, 04:22:30 AM
I think that if ever Mr. Freeman gets banned (for prop pushing) I think that Tezuni should too, he has prop pushed way more then Freeman. As for Tezuni ghosting, I've never witnessed it.
i've been stalkin tezuni
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Foofoojack on June 09, 2011, 06:38:38 AM
1.    Mr.Freeman    57317    651.9 hr

Life? I don't think so.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Deacon on June 09, 2011, 08:08:37 AM
tezuni is already banned for a week.

Also, i don't know how many people will agree with me here but:
I don't give a fuck how good you are.
Its a game, not a competition.
No one is exempt from the rules.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Peter Petrelli on June 09, 2011, 08:18:00 AM

Tezuni is already banned for a week

Tezuni rdmed me when i was traitor everytime also just restrict Tezuni and Freeman from TTT for a 1 or 2 days or maybe a week?
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Sabb on June 09, 2011, 10:59:25 AM
hey TEZUNI IS BEING A sour player!
he has ghosted,RDM'ED,AND propkilling !and  FREEMAN HAZ only pushed you once!
THAT EVERY ONE DOES "SOMETIMES" TEZUNI MORE THAN FREEMAN! >:( i promise tez im gonna kill you if you mess with the freeman!
i dont care if i get banned for it!     

and i have PROOF OF YOU GHOSTING, you stoped so i did not post nothing.                                     

unless >:( behave and you will be respected is that CLEAR?
earn it!
Okay big boy.

It doesn't matter who broke more rules than who.
He's got legit proof on him minging and it doesn't matter if he has or has not broken rules himself.

Freeman does deserve a ban for this.
I've seen him prop pushing many times, including me, and I have warned him many times for it.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Alex Mason, SOG on June 09, 2011, 11:47:24 AM
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ursus on June 09, 2011, 11:48:03 AM
I -1 this unless tezuni has the same actions taken against him.
Report someone for the same thing you do everyday?
Thats just sad.

Actually, correct me if I'm wrong, but tezuni is banned right now...
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 09, 2011, 12:27:55 PM
I -1 this unless tezuni has the same actions taken against him.
Report someone for the same thing you do everyday?
Thats just sad.

Just because Tezuni got banned doesn't mean Freeman is exempt from the rules... I.E. Someone mass rdms a server and the person who reported him got a 1 day ban for rdming 2 people...Just because he is banned doesn't mean the other guy SHOULDN'T be banned. Last I checked, it depends on the evidence, the quality of the report, and people who have witnessed the crime that decide whether or not they should get banned. Not the person themself.

Anyways, Freeman always plays TTT and he is really good (maybe too good...Hmm :trollfaec:) and he knows the rules. Even if it was just once he knows better, +1 for the report
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Peter Petrelli on June 09, 2011, 04:16:54 PM
Okay big boy.

It doesn't matter who broke more rules than who.
He's got legit proof on him minging and it doesn't matter if he has or has not broken rules himself.

Freeman does deserve a ban for this.
I've seen him prop pushing many times, including me, and I have warned him many times for it.

LOL i read this then i looked at your signature, i started laughing
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: memo3300 on June 09, 2011, 06:50:03 PM
tezuni is already banned for a week.

Also, i don't know how many people will agree with me here but:
I don't give a fuck how good you are.
Its a game, not a competition.
No one is exempt from the rules.

nothing more to say.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: FRESCO on June 09, 2011, 09:18:18 PM
i know HOW THIS thing can be solved
is for tezuni to tell freeman for telling him names,rdm in him
and for freeman for tellin sorry to tezuni for prop pushing him and
both promisse to NEVER EVER BREAKE RULZ! if so they both get ban!
i think thats the way to stop making this thing more dificult
man we all love a fair game
we all have fun with stupid things sometimes
but that does not mean we brake rules

ah and when the server was alone and only players that listen and speak in voice
accorded to play just a FEW rounds of c4 roulete,
and we stoped when people started joining
i was a part of it as it for almost 12 other players

we just played cause its get boring to play ttt always ;D
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: ursus on June 09, 2011, 09:19:17 PM
i know HOW THIS thing can be solved
is for tezuni to tell freeman for telling him names,rdm in him
and for freeman for tellin sorry to tezuni for prop pushing him and
both promisse to NEVER EVER BREAKE RULZ! if so they both get ban!
i think thats the way to stop making this thing more dificult
man we all love a fair game
we all have fun with stupid things sometimes
but that does not mean we brake rules

ah and when the server was alone and only players that listen and speak in voice
accorded to play just a FEW rounds of c4 roulete,
and we stoped when people started joining
i was a part of it as it for almost 12 other players

we just played cause its get boring to play ttt always ;D

I know how this can be solved.

Freeman learns the rules

Tezuni calms down

And fresco goes back to the third grade.

Everyone's a winner.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 09, 2011, 09:55:12 PM
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Deacon on June 10, 2011, 12:37:54 AM
i know HOW THIS thing can be solved
is for tezuni to tell freeman for telling him names,rdm in him
and for freeman for tellin sorry to tezuni for prop pushing him and
both promisse to NEVER EVER BREAKE RULZ! if so they both get ban!
i think thats the way to stop making this thing more dificult
man we all love a fair game
we all have fun with stupid things sometimes
but that does not mean we brake rules

ah and when the server was alone and only players that listen and speak in voice
accorded to play just a FEW rounds of c4 roulete,
and we stoped when people started joining
i was a part of it as it for almost 12 other players

we just played cause its get boring to play ttt always ;D

Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Mufasa on June 10, 2011, 08:17:05 AM
 :thumbsdown: probably provoked, or perfectly innocent trolling
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 10, 2011, 08:23:30 AM
:thumbsdown: probably provoked, or perfectly innocent trolling

Ermm, innocent trolling? You are not allowed to prop push, and he knows that. There is no such thing as innocent trolling (from what I've seen) kthxbai
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Sabb on June 10, 2011, 09:18:27 AM
i know HOW THIS thing can be solved
is for tezuni to tell freeman for telling him names,rdm in him
and for freeman for tellin sorry to tezuni for prop pushing him and
both promisse to NEVER EVER BREAKE RULZ! if so they both get ban!
i think thats the way to stop making this thing more dificult
man we all love a fair game
we all have fun with stupid things sometimes
but that does not mean we brake rules

ah and when the server was alone and only players that listen and speak in voice
accorded to play just a FEW rounds of c4 roulete,
and we stoped when people started joining
i was a part of it as it for almost 12 other players

we just played cause its get boring to play ttt always ;D
I'm 12 and what is this?

I have a better way to solve this!

Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: blαh2355 on June 10, 2011, 09:21:08 AM
I never knew prop pushing was bannable.
So many people do it in TTT ._.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Kavo-Thizzla on June 10, 2011, 10:32:51 AM
Mr.Freeman is awesome so No No & No. :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Hotgreensoldier on June 10, 2011, 10:52:14 AM
Mr.Freeman is awesome so No No & No. :thumbsdown:

How does that even relate to this...Did you even care to look at the evidence? From the sounds of it, you just took your personal opinion and -1'd this app so he wouldnt get banned...
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 10, 2011, 04:59:40 PM
 :knife: ??? :'(
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 10, 2011, 05:01:00 PM
 :knife: ??? :'(
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Tezuni on June 10, 2011, 08:34:26 PM
Freeman it's nothing personal against you, however...

I asked you to stop then ignored you.  You persisted...  Every time you joined the server you'd try and instigate some reaction.  I quit saying you used an aimbot, but you kept harassing me about it.   ::)
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Freeman on June 10, 2011, 09:08:10 PM
I dont use aimbot in a fucking game. :no:
Thats not funny. :no:
Nothing more to say.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Gilgamesh on June 10, 2011, 09:39:35 PM
not that it really matters but upon looking through the evidence it would seem that whether or not someone is prop pushing regularly is not the point the point is that freeman was the one caught on video doing it. again not that it really matters because there is hard video evidence. This is yet another reason i do not frequent TTT servers.
Title: Re: Mr. Freeman Prop Pushing [ Video & Screenshot]
Post by: Moo on June 11, 2011, 07:08:39 PM