.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Promotions (Read Only) => Regular => Unapproved => Topic started by: SereemCrackin on April 03, 2011, 03:21:27 PM
SereemCrackin!'s Regular Application!
Steam: dund3
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26731144
In-Game Name: SereemCrackin!
Time online: Late afternoons daily.
Servers: Sled Build, Winter Survival, Fretta, TTT if active
Age: 14
Birthday: May 3rd,1996
Games (on Steam): Gmod, All CoH, all Assassins Creed series, Mount and Blade, Like all Valve games.. Borderlands, and many many more....
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I would like to be a regular because to be honest with you, is the advantages! I will also do my "job" as a regular and make a good example on the RnD servers.. I also can be very mature about things and not rage like hell to people..
Contributions to RND: Nothing right now, but later in the future I will.
If you want to contact me for anything, Add me on steam.
>Thank you so much for reading my app. P.S. did you know that Remmi from Paulsoaresjr plays on our servers? :D<
We have quite a lot of regulars.
Well, I just can't identify them as regulars :P
It will say (Reg) by their name there are probably more regulars than guests
anysways for the app :thumbsup:
Yeah, your right, btw thanks!
We have quite a lot of regulars.
Play more TTT then I vote :D
Play more TTT then I vote :D
Mehhhhhh I like TTT but not that muchhh
I am playing whit him now.
I give you a nice :thumbsup:
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I would like to be a regular because I notice how much people are not regular, and they need a certain person kicked. I also want to be a regular, to be honest with you, is the advantages! But, I will also do my job as a regular and enforce the rules as best as I can. I also can be very mature about things and not rage like hell to people..
1. We have a shitton of regulars
2. Regulars cannot kick
3. Regulars don't really have a "job" to "enforce" the rules, they just vote on kicks and bans
1. We have a shitton of regulars
2. Regulars cannot kick
3. Regulars don't really have a "job" to "enforce" the rules, they just vote on kicks and bans
A job, no.
Should you make sure to set an example by enforcing the rules to the best of your ability?
I think you left out the year you were born in.
Anyways, I saw you before in TTT...I don't think I saw you talk that much or anything but I did see you...
updated once again!
2 days older than me.
hmmm hes ok +1