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Creative Arts (Read Only) => Music => Topic started by: Dale Feles on March 15, 2011, 06:35:12 AM
Kid Cudi vs. Crookers - Day 'n' Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSWrepLjTKc&NR=1&feature=fvwp#ws)
I've never seen something so old
but gewd song
I've never seen something so old
I've never seen something so old
I swear to GOD I Liked that song WEEKS before it was on the radio even... I found it on a DJ site or something... some underground artists thing...
I put it on my Faecbuk and no one payed any attention :( Summer of 2008 I recall.
Then suddenly OMG THIS SONG IS EPIC@1!!!!one
Then Crooker's Version :|
but gewd song
more like
i seem to like everything by cudi, even though it's usually not my type of music
Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzU9Qqdqww#ws)
Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzU9Qqdqww#ws)
NO ;_;
NO ;_;
it's my favorite song ever, just makes me full of sadness :c
it's my favorite song ever, just makes me full of sadness :c
Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzU9Qqdqww#ws)
time to get high.
hmmm good songs i liek
time to get high.
Shoot some heroin and fuck with the starss.
Shoot some heroin and fuck with the starss.