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Entertainment (Read Only) => Videos => Topic started by: Tiger Guy on March 14, 2011, 05:29:20 PM
Casey PowerSlams his bully! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKqjvJxUCRU#)
Saw this on /gif/ earlier. What's the story?
Saw this on /gif/ earlier. What's the story?
http://www.sportsgrid.com/media/video-of-bully-victim-body-slamming-his-antagonizer-goes-viral-media (http://www.sportsgrid.com/media/video-of-bully-victim-body-slamming-his-antagonizer-goes-viral-media)
The 'Bully''s parents are trying to sue now.
Little kids thoughts "Hey video tape me beating up this guy for youtube"
Ha looks like your little shit plan back fired, geez kids these days... and the guy defending himself got suspended? really? thats bullshit! little prick got what he deserved and the school their in is really fucked for suspending the guy "Hey guys if someone is beating you up don't do anything because they won't get in trouble you will!" really? what kind of fucking message does that send to children?
If i had a child in that school i would be writing to the school board to get the person who suspended the kid defending himself and not suspending the bully fired!
Let the bully's mother try to sue, then the other kids mother can counter sue for mentally and physically tormenting her child.
Little kids thoughts "Hey video tape me beating up this guy for youtube"
Ha looks like your little shit plan back fired, geez kids these days... and the guy defending himself got suspended? really? thats bullshit! little prick got what he deserved and the school their in is really fucked for suspending the guy "Hey guys if someone is beating you up don't do anything because they won't get in trouble you will!" really? what kind of fucking message does that send to children?
If i had a child in that school i would be writing to the school board to get the person who suspended the kid defending himself and not suspending the bully fired!
Let the bully's mother try to sue, then the other kids mother can counter sue for mentally and physically tormenting her child.
little kid deserves it.
"We have seen no reports regarding what happened to the bully, but he appeared to injured as he struggled to walk around after the incident. Apparently, Casey got suspended from school for his actions and could face further discipline, while the kid picking on him allegedly received no punishment."
Apparently the right to defend yourself is a big pile of dogshit.
Little kids thoughts "Hey video tape me beating up this guy for youtube"
Ha looks like your little shit plan back fired, geez kids these days... and the guy defending himself got suspended? really? thats bullshit! little prick got what he deserved and the school their in is really fucked for suspending the guy "Hey guys if someone is beating you up don't do anything because they won't get in trouble you will!" really? what kind of fucking message does that send to children?
If i had a child in that school i would be writing to the school board to get the person who suspended the kid defending himself and not suspending the bully fired!
Let the bully's mother try to sue, then the other kids mother can counter sue for mentally and physically tormenting her child.
Here in the American school system, if you defend yourself from an attacker and attack back and try to flee...you get the same amount of punishment as the attacker. They expect you to deal with the pain and to "tell a teacher". If you really got into it and you're too injured to get up, then what? Thats what I hate about these fight policies. Someone hits me first, I hit back. Plain as that.
I hit back. Plain as that.
Thats what i did when i was in school, I Never started i always finished it simple as that.
I was brought up to always fight back not just stand there and take a beating.
Thats what i did when i was in school, I Never started i always finished it simple as that.
I was brought up to always fight back not just stand there and take a beating.
Same, but I tend to avoid fights like that, not because of the person who I'm fighting, I happen to be a giant pussy when it comes to the punishment. I don't honestly want to stack up 3 days worth of work to turn in, especially when its new material and you need to get into it a bit more further than reading the book.
Same, but I tend to avoid fights like that, not because of the person who I'm fighting, I happen to be a giant pussy when it comes to the punishment.
Ya well i had the vp's wrap around my finger so i didn't really get in trouble for much same with some teachers were on my side no matter what I also knew how to word myself to make sure i was in the clear Lol
I was good at manipulating people Lol
I thought the whimpy kid was the bully victim.
Boy was I wrong.