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Entertainment (Read Only) => Games => Post-Based Games/Threads => Topic started by: kropp on March 02, 2011, 05:17:12 PM

Title: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on March 02, 2011, 05:17:12 PM
This forum game is you start your sentence with What if the world was then what u wont to say.

EX: What if the world was made of choclate.

So i hope this catches on and try not to get to off topic.
Rules: Stay on topic
           Don't spam
           Don't Troll
           Try not to Make fun of others.
           Must important rule HAVE FUN

Yes you can talk about other peoples posts.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: cogsandspigots on March 02, 2011, 05:18:51 PM
This forum game is you start your sentance with What if the world was then what u wont to say.

EX: What if the world was made of choclate.

So i hope this catches on and try not to get to off topic.
Rules: Stay on topic
           Dont spam
           Dont Troll
           Try not to Make fun of others.
           Must important rule[/size] HAVE FUN

Wrong board.  I think an admin needs to move this.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on March 02, 2011, 05:19:17 PM
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: cogsandspigots on March 02, 2011, 05:28:51 PM
Will we be able to discuss other people's posts?

What if the world was ruled by Switzerland?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Peetah on March 02, 2011, 05:31:56 PM
Well then? Peetah for presidential!
Shit would be awesome.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 02, 2011, 05:33:59 PM
What if the world was made of other worlds combined into a world just like the world we live in now?

We Ran Out of CD Space - Psychostick (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHnr72AsgIU#)
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on March 02, 2011, 10:06:38 PM
What if the world was gay?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: » Magic « on March 02, 2011, 11:54:54 PM
Then we wouldn't notice it

What if we were robots
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 03, 2011, 12:02:22 AM
Then we would become mentally retarded homophobic robots who rule the Earth and allow Martians to attack and rape our woman.

What would happen if we all decided to go gay?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: ·UηİŦ·· on March 03, 2011, 12:11:16 AM
Then we would become mentally retarded homophobic robots who rule the Earth and allow Martians to attack and rape our woman.

What would happen if we all decided to go gay?

Then I Would question why everyone keeps asking about "What ifGAY"
and assume it's just some experimental thought or something just out of the blue, surely...

ASSUMING that it's not some sort of  :trollface:


What if we could use the DeLorean to get Magic back from 1970?

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Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Frank on March 03, 2011, 12:17:45 AM
What if this world was cool?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: » Magic « on March 03, 2011, 11:57:33 AM
Then we would be uncool /sadfaic

What if we had unlimited monies
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Devie on March 03, 2011, 12:16:44 PM
Then we would be uncool /sadfaic

What if we had unlimited monies

then we'd all be living life in the fast lane.

What if the world was made out of puddi?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 03, 2011, 12:21:01 PM
then we'd all be living life in the fast lane.

What if the world was made out of puddi?

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: coolzeldad on March 03, 2011, 03:11:49 PM
What if the world was candy
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Rocket50 on March 03, 2011, 04:30:41 PM
What if the world was candy

Then the whole world will have America's waistlines

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 03, 2011, 04:37:31 PM
What if the world was candy

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: coolzeldad on March 03, 2011, 04:43:15 PM
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on March 03, 2011, 05:05:56 PM
What if the world was candy

If the world was made of candy there would be no world left.

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Peetah on March 03, 2011, 07:24:34 PM
The avg life span would be 10years old.
Everyone would be plagued with diabetes.
Kids would not make it to 12 and experienced segregation on the internet.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 03, 2011, 07:35:07 PM
What if the world leaders were smart, people never discriminated, and thus, there were no wars?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 03, 2011, 07:41:53 PM
The avg life span would be 10years old.
Everyone would be plagued with diabetes.
Kids would not make it to 12 and experienced segregation on the internet.


What if the world leaders were smart, people never discriminated, and thus, there were no wars?


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Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 03, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
What if the continent of North America implodes because of the fatties on the top.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Rocket50 on March 03, 2011, 08:47:42 PM
What if the continent of North America implodes because of the fatties on the top.

I would get Gabe Newell on a treadmill.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 04, 2011, 07:07:11 AM
I would get Gabe Newell on a treadmill.

Oh great another Gabe Newell fat joke.. Great.. Another delay for Episode 3.

Look what you have done. Are you proud?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Rocket50 on March 04, 2011, 07:10:07 AM
Oh great another Gabe Newell fat joke.. Great.. Another delay for Episode 3.

Look what you have done. Are you proud?

Episode 3 has died for me. Just like Black Mesa.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 04, 2011, 07:13:55 AM
Episode 3 has died for me. Just like Black Mesa.
Patience is the key. It will come, but a day later. Thanks to you.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 04, 2011, 07:16:26 AM
Gabe Newell nid lay off twinkles

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 04, 2011, 07:20:26 AM

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on March 04, 2011, 07:35:05 AM
What if RND didnt have tomcat or any other admins

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Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 04, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
What if RND didnt have tomcat or any other admins

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What if rNd didn't have Kewl Aid Man or any other annoying spammers who suck up to admins like he does?

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Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 04, 2011, 12:11:18 PM
What if rNd didn't have Kewl Aid Man or any other annoying spammers who suck up to admins like he does?

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LOL, what?

What if Jman wore short shorts?
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Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 04, 2011, 12:14:02 PM
LOL, what?

What if Jman wore short shorts?
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Son, if I wore short shorts my penis would be slapping people in the face when I walked by.

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 04, 2011, 12:18:21 PM
Son, if I wore short shorts my penis would be slapping people in the face when I walked by.

You can get in now.  :trollface:
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 04, 2011, 12:49:00 PM
You can get in now.  :trollface:

I've been in your anus this whole time.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Deacon on March 04, 2011, 01:00:56 PM
I've been in your anus this whole time.

What if what I have read could be unread?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: » Magic « on March 04, 2011, 01:05:37 PM

What if what I have read could be unread?

Then the "Mark all as read" Would be a waste
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on March 04, 2011, 01:30:45 PM
What if rNd didn't have Kewl Aid Man or any other annoying spammers who suck up to admins like he does?

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Im begining to think you'r  :troll:ing me now   ::)
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 04, 2011, 05:09:47 PM
Im begining to think you'r  :troll:ing me now   ::)


You necro bump everything, spam, and suck up to admins. seriously.

Also, your spelling is atrocious.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 05, 2011, 05:42:49 PM

You necro bump everything, spam, and suck up to admins. seriously.

Also, your spelling is atrocious.

SUCKING aemdents ar bad. I wunt u and yur speeeing you no? u speel so gud and i want to be mine for valintineis.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: John on March 07, 2011, 12:38:59 PM

You necro bump everything, spam, and suck up to admins. seriously.

Also, your spelling is atrocious.
what if i knew what atrocious means/or is it ment?  :trollface:
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: » Magic « on March 07, 2011, 01:04:41 PM

But I've seen Jman do it a few times... With like, Devie, Teeny ,Coolz.. You know, all the girl admins. :trollface:

I see what you did there

/me cries in corner
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Devie on March 07, 2011, 02:01:27 PM

But I've seen Jman do it a few times... With like, Devie, Teeny ,Coolz.. You know, all the girl admins. :trollface:

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Jman on March 07, 2011, 05:51:18 PM
Disregard the original content of this post. I already discussed with pry via steam chat and he's a stoopid bish.

He thought I sucked up to coolz to give me the santa hat, instead of winning the contest lol..

He thought I replying to every post devie made just because devie posted it.

And he confused me with malaka about teeny -.-'
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 07, 2011, 06:09:43 PM
Don't even fucking start. You asked me countless times why coolz wouldn't talk to you and crave his attention. I do not suck up to the admins.

A) I am pretty sure I don't suck up to devie. She may say otherwise, but I've never had an intent to do so ._.
B) I haven't talked to Teeny in like few months so kthxbai.
C) Haha I see what you did there with coolz being a girl! /sarcasm. I don't suck up to coolz to my knowledge so ya.

No offense Pry, but you tried to accuse me while you yourself sucks up to coolz constantly.

ALSO, just clarifying, you can correct me if you think I'm wrong and I do suck up to admins.

oh whoops <3

shar da luv.

Okay, well that was real childish of me to make a joke at the expensive of a friend. Sorry again Jman..
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: coolzeldad on March 07, 2011, 06:57:13 PM
what if da werld was krazy
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 07, 2011, 07:02:47 PM
what if da werld was krazy

We'd all pull a MGMT, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars :D
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Deacon on March 07, 2011, 07:03:50 PM
what if pizza were free
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Supertoaster on March 07, 2011, 07:04:56 PM
what if pizza were free
america = happy
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Deacon on March 07, 2011, 07:06:08 PM
america = happy

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pryvisee on March 08, 2011, 06:54:04 AM
What if........... coolz didn't have a "twenty" page signature.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Don on March 08, 2011, 11:46:00 AM
What if........... coolz didn't have a "twenty" page signature.

Then my mouse wheel probably wouldn't be broken within two threads.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: coolzeldad on March 08, 2011, 11:44:02 PM
Then my mouse wheel probably wouldn't be broken within two threads.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 09, 2011, 02:46:34 AM
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: coolzeldad on March 15, 2011, 06:15:42 PM
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on March 16, 2011, 02:42:07 AM

omfg noob negro bumper!
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Mr. Franklin on March 16, 2011, 02:05:57 PM
what if the world didn't have Charlie Sheen?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: somerandomguy09 on March 16, 2011, 05:43:25 PM
what if the world didn't have Charlie Sheen?

Than i wouldnt be bangin 7 gram rocks (or winning =[ )
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Saetik on March 16, 2011, 07:26:44 PM
What if the world didn't have chuck norris? :dukenukem:
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on March 16, 2011, 07:33:37 PM
What if the world didn't have chuck norris? :dukenukem:

I wouldn't be here.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on March 19, 2011, 05:04:04 AM
what if the whole world was made with chocolate icecream soaps
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on April 03, 2011, 12:21:22 AM
What if the world made sense??
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: cogsandspigots on April 03, 2011, 12:02:36 PM
What if the world made sense??
Then your avatar wouldn't be of a raging gamer cat and mine wouldn't be Death while high as a kite.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 03, 2011, 11:18:53 PM
what if the earth was a gigantic football
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cheesicle on April 04, 2011, 06:16:21 AM
what if the earth was a gigantic football

Then the Earth would have a weird ass magnetic field, and orbit/spin in a strange way. It's irregular shape also disallows sunlight to shine on Earth normally like it does now. We most likely wouldn't have four seasons
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Cake Faice on April 04, 2011, 08:48:22 PM
What if the world didn't have chuck norris? :dukenukem:

No-one would fit an overused Chuck Norris joke into their everyday life.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on April 04, 2011, 11:05:51 PM
What if Earth was Half-Life 4?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 04, 2011, 11:08:47 PM
What if Earth was Half-Life 4?

then the evil man would let the quarter life thingy hit quarter life and blow some people to smitheroons and weird stuff happeons

what if the world had no justin bieber
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Juppie on April 06, 2011, 01:28:38 PM
What if the world was ruled by Juppie ? (>me<)  :rasta:
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 07, 2011, 01:30:26 AM
What if the world was ruled by Juppie ? (>me<)  :rasta:

then everyone will kick your ass

what if the world had no anger
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on April 07, 2011, 07:48:09 PM
then everyone will kick your ass

what if the world had no anger

world has no anger

what if the world ran out of oxygen
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 08, 2011, 02:04:09 AM
world has no anger

what if the world ran out of oxygen

then we will die

what will happen if the eart had no ozone layer
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on April 10, 2011, 07:49:31 PM
then we will die

what will happen if th eeart had no ozone layer

Then we couldn't spell right.
What if our skin slowly started rising.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Juppie on April 11, 2011, 09:08:17 AM
Then we couldn't spell right.
What if our skin slowly started rising.
Then I would win.

what if there were no chinese in the world ?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on April 11, 2011, 08:25:16 PM
no rice

what if there were no education?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: blαh2355 on April 11, 2011, 08:31:21 PM
Lots of dumbfux people

What if troll science was real?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on April 12, 2011, 11:57:09 AM
infinate energy for troll machine

what if the world had no  :pumpkin: 's
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Pilot on April 12, 2011, 11:20:00 PM
The world would keep spinning.

What if everything in the world happened at once? Think about it...
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on April 13, 2011, 06:52:41 AM
From space it would look like the world was having an orgasm.

What if the world was the shape of a cube?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on April 13, 2011, 09:54:55 AM
the world would spin like when you spin a dice

what if the world had no guns and more lasers
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 13, 2011, 10:25:08 AM
the world would spin like when you spin a dice

what if the world had no guns and more lasers

then everyone will wear eye protection

what if furfag wasnt here
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on April 13, 2011, 03:46:15 PM
Everyone would be happy

what if the world was all happy
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Mr. Franklin on April 13, 2011, 07:58:24 PM
Frank would not exist

What if flaming penguins of doom invaded rnd?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Myppl9 on April 13, 2011, 08:09:58 PM
this is becomng more of a What do thing

chuck noris roundhouse kicks them

the world losses all chrissmiss trees
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 13, 2011, 08:47:44 PM
this is becomng more of a What do thing

chuck noris roundhouse kicks them

the world losses all chrissmiss trees

then no christmas for all

what if babby not formed
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on April 17, 2011, 08:11:45 AM
What if garry did not always mess up Gmod.
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: [Valor]iPounce on April 17, 2011, 10:17:53 PM
What if garry did not always mess up Gmod.
Then, probably you didn't read the whole thing in garrysmod.com
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: The Ghost Of Anony Mouse on April 19, 2011, 02:12:15 AM
what if the galaxy had no galactic core
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: » Magic « on April 19, 2011, 06:19:26 AM
what if the galaxy had no galactic core

then it wouldn't be a galaxy

What if computers never existed?
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: [Valor]iPounce on April 19, 2011, 06:39:19 AM
then it wouldn't be a galaxy

What if computers never existed?
den no pron :<

Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on April 26, 2011, 08:54:43 PM
If computers never existed what would I do!!
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Foofoojack on April 28, 2011, 05:53:22 PM
If computers never existed what would I do!!

have a life
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: kropp on August 08, 2011, 03:41:15 PM
What if the world did not have any trolls!!!!!!
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on August 08, 2011, 04:02:00 PM
What if the world did not have any trolls!!!!!!
Title: Re: Forum Game [What if the world was]
Post by: ·UηİŦ·· on August 08, 2011, 07:39:48 PM
What if the world was falling prey to a bunch of foolish extremists, who in turn used confused saps to continue spreading idiocy, in turn then contorting a psuedo-society of odd people to manifest their now-mutiliated cult onto the global population, to in turn force beliefs and subtly brainwash the entire populace within a few decades with propaganda that would render free thought useless, and end many lives in the process for one silly belief?

What if the world then has had every man consumed with fallacy? What if the world then, has ruined man's mind to nothing more than a machine set for orders?

What if the world was now permanently set for a crash course straight for post-civilization suicide on a global scale?

What if every voice left in that world was left to lie on deaf ears?

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