This forum game is you start your sentance with What if the world was then what u wont to say.
EX: What if the world was made of choclate.
So i hope this catches on and try not to get to off topic.
Rules: Stay on topic
Dont spam
Dont Troll
Try not to Make fun of others.
Must important rule[/size] HAVE FUN
Then we would become mentally retarded homophobic robots who rule the Earth and allow Martians to attack and rape our woman.
What would happen if we all decided to go gay?
Then we would be uncool /sadfaic
What if we had unlimited monies
then we'd all be living life in the fast lane.
What if the world was made out of puddi?
What if the world was candy
What if the world was candy
What if the world was candy
The avg life span would be 10years old.
Everyone would be plagued with diabetes.
Kids would not make it to 12 and experienced segregation on the internet.
What if the world leaders were smart, people never discriminated, and thus, there were no wars?
What if the continent of North America implodes because of the fatties on the top.
I would get Gabe Newell on a treadmill.
Oh great another Gabe Newell fat joke.. Great.. Another delay for Episode 3.
Look what you have done. Are you proud?
Episode 3 has died for me. Just like Black Mesa.Patience is the key. It will come, but a day later. Thanks to you.
What if RND didnt have tomcat or any other adminsSpoiler (click to show/hide)
What if rNd didn't have Kewl Aid Man or any other annoying spammers who suck up to admins like he does?LOL, what?Spoiler (click to show/hide)
LOL, what?
What if Jman wore short shorts?Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Son, if I wore short shorts my penis would be slapping people in the face when I walked by.You can get in now. :trollface:
You can get in now. :trollface:
I've been in your anus this whole time.
What if what I have read could be unread?
What if rNd didn't have Kewl Aid Man or any other annoying spammers who suck up to admins like he does?Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Im begining to think you'r :troll:ing me now ::)
You necro bump everything, spam, and suck up to admins. seriously.
Also, your spelling is atrocious.
HAHAH Nope.what if i knew what atrocious means/or is it ment? :trollface:
You necro bump everything, spam, and suck up to admins. seriously.
Also, your spelling is atrocious.
But I've seen Jman do it a few times... With like, Devie, Teeny ,Coolz.. You know, all the girl admins. :trollface:
But I've seen Jman do it a few times... With like, Devie, Teeny ,Coolz.. You know, all the girl admins. :trollface:
Don't even fucking start. You asked me countless times why coolz wouldn't talk to you and crave his attention. I do not suck up to the admins.
A) I am pretty sure I don't suck up to devie. She may say otherwise, but I've never had an intent to do so ._.
B) I haven't talked to Teeny in like few months so kthxbai.
C) Haha I see what you did there with coolz being a girl! /sarcasm. I don't suck up to coolz to my knowledge so ya.
No offense Pry, but you tried to accuse me while you yourself sucks up to coolz constantly.
ALSO, just clarifying, you can correct me if you think I'm wrong and I do suck up to admins.
what if da werld was krazy
what if pizza were freeamerica = happy
america = happy
What if........... coolz didn't have a "twenty" page signature.
Then my mouse wheel probably wouldn't be broken within two threads.:trollface::trollface::trollface::trollface::trollface::trollface::trollface:
what if the world didn't have Charlie Sheen?
What if the world didn't have chuck norris? :dukenukem:
What if the world made sense??Then your avatar wouldn't be of a raging gamer cat and mine wouldn't be Death while high as a kite.
what if the earth was a gigantic football
What if the world didn't have chuck norris? :dukenukem:
What if Earth was Half-Life 4?
What if the world was ruled by Juppie ? (>me<) :rasta:
then everyone will kick your ass
what if the world had no anger
world has no anger
what if the world ran out of oxygen
then we will die
what will happen if th eeart had no ozone layer
Then we couldn't spell right.Then I would win.
What if our skin slowly started rising.
the world would spin like when you spin a dice
what if the world had no guns and more lasers
this is becomng more of a What do thing
chuck noris roundhouse kicks them
the world losses all chrissmiss trees
What if garry did not always mess up Gmod.Then, probably you didn't read the whole thing in
what if the galaxy had no galactic core
then it wouldn't be a galaxyden no pron :<
What if computers never existed?
If computers never existed what would I do!!
What if the world did not have any trolls!!!!!!Peace.