.:~SabbathFreak's VIP Re-Application~:.
About Me:Name:Adam Mathew Fernandes (Portuguese not Spanish)
Birth Date:March 04, 1996.
Location:Canadia, eh!
Steam Information:Account Name: warriorprop
Current Nickname: On My Sex Cam
(usually Sabbath)Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32011794
More Information: I am most active on the TTT server, though I sometimes (now very rarely) visit ZS and build to play with friends. Other than the RND servers and Garry's Mod, I sometimes visit L4D2 to play with friends, and some other indie games I bought from the Christmas sale. I'm online most of the day usually, though I'm often afk. I'm usually on the TTT server. I want to be a VIP, to obviously deal with minges on the servers, and to use the restricted tools on the build server for the little time that I am on it. I'm also usually a fairly nice person, and help people a lot (though, I tend to be sarcastic sometimes :L).
It seems there still aren't many VIPs, and I understand that it's to reduce the level of poor VIP's/ abusers (which is working), but this leaves TTT full of guests and Reg, rarely VIPs. Since I have been demoted I've realized how hectic the server can be (TTT in specific mainly, because I often see VIPs when I join other popular servers like ZS, and often build too). Even just having a VIP in the server, not votekicking or even giving out warnings seems to lower the amount of minging. Since I'm usually in TTT a lot, I could definitely help managing the minging, which is the main reason I felt it's time to apply for VIP again. I also want to ensure every that I am not actually abusive, but rather I made a poor decision one day when the sourcebans were down, and it won't happen again. On top of that, I don't make assumptions when starting a votekick (haven't had to use a voteban before unless for a hacker), and try to get all sides of the story as well. I don't hold grudges on people, so you won't see me making up stupid reasons for a kick on someone because I don't like them, which used to be a pretty big problem with other VIPs/ respected (mainly respected).
When it comes to larger problems on the server such as a hacker, I try my best to deal with the situation by getting a recording of the situation, weather it be using demo or fraps. I also won't votekick/ban the person until I'm absolutely certain that they're using hacks, not just if I hear people complaining about an aimbot or something. I think I'm fairly responsible with that.
As many of you know, I have a couple of interesting hobbies. Currently, they include photography, calligraphy, pyrographic art/wood burning, and wood carving. I've recently been more focused on carving and photography. I've posted many calligraphy projects, and I believe one or two of my wood burning projects on the old forums, and some calligraphy on the new forums as well, along with stop motion stuff. I'm also planning on posting more calligraphy, photography, and carving photos soon, as I have a lot of projects I am currently working on and about finished, and even more images I'm just too lazy to upload.