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Entertainment (Read Only) => Videos => Topic started by: LoopyDemon on February 08, 2011, 07:50:59 PM
[youtube]Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne- Commercial (Official and Behind the Scenes) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7244iXhEcek#ws)[/youtube]
Didn't notice that one guy was actually Justin Bieber in the commercial..
What's funny is that they used some of the out takes in the final.
What the fucks a Bieber?
Thats right Ozzy you're my man! :D
dont think we dont see that [youtube] [/youtube]
but yea looks like a girl, i agree
we all agree, but i don't agree he's the bringer of darkness :P
Son, I am proud.
but yea looks like a girl, i agree
I wouldn't say it looks like a girl.
I'll stick with 'it' since it's more in-between.
"Whats the fucks a bieber?" "I don't know, sounds like Satan" damn right.
"Whats the fucks a bieber?" "I don't know, sounds like Satan" damn right.
like satan? it sounds like barbie girl :trollface: :trollface:
it funny
cause the only girl who like him
would get him arrested if he does anything
I'm in a long line at the grocery store.
I'm bored so I grab a random teen magazine shit from the rack next to me not caring what it was.
I open the magazine, the first thing I see is a picture of Justin Bieber with it's shirt off.
(http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100319022342/aceattorney/images/0/01/Gant_Breakdown_1.gif) (http://aceattorney.wikia.com/index.php?title=Breakdown&image=Gant_Breakdown_1-gif)
like satan? it sounds like barbie girl :trollface: :trollface:
Aqua- Barbie Girl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ibblFcvaKQ#)
= Bieber
Aqua- Barbie Girl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ibblFcvaKQ#)
= Bieber