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Entertainment (Read Only) => Videos => Topic started by: Don on January 12, 2011, 01:16:07 PM
Nintendo : A Sad Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=863GSlfp9Uw#ws)
This is one of the deepest and most touching animations I've ever seen.
It might seem like a LOLWATXDDDDSOFUNNEH animation at first, but if you've been a Nintendo fan for a while, you get what the video actually means.
Nintendo : A Sad Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=863GSlfp9Uw#ws)
This is one of the deepest and most touching animations I've ever seen.
It might seem like a LOLWATXDDDDSOFUNNEH animation at first, but if you've been a Nintendo fan for a while, you get what the video actually means.
0:00 Okay. Uh. Okay.
0:58 Wait, when did Mario start working for Konami?
1:30 Oh god what the shit is going on.
3:00 Now I'm starting to freak out a bit.
4:25 Oh god. I've had enough.
5:00 I cried a little inside ;-;
6:30 What. The. Fuck. Shit got. Oh. What. This is. What. Im. No. What. Is this. OI don't. Even.
7:30 I got chills. ;-;
Now that.
Oh man.
As a rather hardcore nintendo player myself, it was.... very deep.
I didn't really understand him killing that first guy.
I didn't really understand him killing that first guy.
Shigeru Miyamoto.
As a rather hardcore nintendo player myself, it was.... very deep.
I... I died inside.
I've never really been a fan of nintendo, but I have followed them sorta. Even for me, this is sad.
creepy but GOOD
My question to this is "What the fuck?"
one of the sadest things iv seen, eve tho im not a hardcore nintendo player
i'll be honest...
I watched the whole thing, beginning to end
and i'm still just like
"wtf did i just watch"
My question to this is "What the fuck?"
i'll be honest...
I watched the whole thing, beginning to end
and i'm still just like
"wtf did i just watch"
You won't get it unless you looked over how Nintendo "progressed" throughout the last years.
You won't get it unless you looked over how Nintendo "progressed" throughout the last years.
care to explain?
care to explain?
I'm too lazy to write it up myself, just look in the comments.
Simple, Nintendo execs including Reggie have raped both Mario and classic devs in order to make crappy best selling games for the Wii. This vid shows Miyamoto coming to his senses in the last minute and trying to save Mario from Reggie / big N exects at last minute. Sadly, Mario had poisoned him before while putting milk in the "Wii" cup for him.