R.I.P Tupac, you will be forever missed.Noep
Noepyour'e white you wouldnt understand
"I see no changes, all I see is racist faces, misplaced hate makes disgrace to races. We under, I wonder what it takes to make this, one better place let's erase the wasted. Take the evil out of people they'll be acting right."
I always loved that verse. I could relate, since I was constantly hated because of my race.
I hate being white, cause i read things like this and think "how can people still hate other people over race?"
and then i remember my family...
good thing i'm smarter than these redneck fucks
Huge respect. The only rapper that knew what was up. Never left his kid (until he died), treat women fairly, appreciated his parents.
If only he lived long enough to see the Black President he was talking about in "I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto" or "Changes"
Best rapper I know of, next to the Notorious B.I.G, though I still like Pac better.
Dear Mama
Ghetto Gospel
Keep Ya Head Up
Those are my favorite Pac songs R.I.P.
Heres your fav vids:
2Pac - Changes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Y9-JlSRXw#ws)
Ghetto Gospel-2Pac ft. Elton John/Power Point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkyhbibKtCs&feature=fvst#)
2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up (Full HD) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuK-d-HbDe0#ws)
Worst years
1994 - Birth of justin bieber.
1995 - Eazy-E's death
1996 - Tupac's death.
1997 - Biggie's death
I freaking love you.
My respect for you just rose
its good to see there's still peole in this world who has good taste in music.
I find so contradictory. Some of those people call themselves Christian. Nothing against Christianity, as I am a Christian myself, but seriously. Your religion teaches you to love one another and treat each other fairly, yet you still hate because of someones appearance? I never understood.
and then i remember my family...
good thing i'm smarter than these redneck fucks
THIS. I never quite understood as well. It sucks to get those gleaming evil looks when I go to public places or church with proudly as I hold his hand. As if theyre saying through their eyes "What the hell is he doing with her? She's not white. This should be considered a sin!".
Living in a state where it's full of "rednecks", it is frowned upon to marry someone outside of your own race which is white usually. Thank GOD proudlys family is NOT like that! I wouldn't be able to stand it.
I can't stand living here. Even if it's beautiful, nice and it's perfect to raise a family - I won't get anywhere, since I'm judged by the way I look a little more than it should be.. How many jobs I have applied for and gotten turned down because I was asian..
And I swore to myself I won't be close minded as the rest of the world is.
THIS. I never quite understood as well. It sucks to get those gleaming evil looks when I go to public places or church with proudly as I hold his hand. As if theyre saying through their eyes "What the hell is he doing with her? She's not white. This should be considered a sin!".
Living in a state where it's full of "rednecks", it is frowned upon to marry someone outside of your own race which is white usually. Thank GOD proudlys family is NOT like that! I wouldn't be able to stand it.
I can't stand living here. Even if it's beautiful, nice and it's perfect to raise a family - I won't get anywhere, since I'm judged by the way I look a little more than it should be.. How many jobs I have applied for and gotten turned down because I was asian..
And I swore to myself I won't be close minded as the rest of the world is.
THIS. I never quite understood as well. It sucks to get those gleaming evil looks when I go to public places or church with proudly as I hold his hand. As if theyre saying through their eyes "What the hell is he doing with her? She's not white. This should be considered a sin!".
Living in a state where it's full of "rednecks", it is frowned upon to marry someone outside of your own race which is white usually. Thank GOD proudlys family is NOT like that! I wouldn't be able to stand it.
I can't stand living here. Even if it's beautiful, nice and it's perfect to raise a family - I won't get anywhere, since I'm judged by the way I look a little more than it should be.. How many jobs I have applied for and gotten turned down because I was asian..
And I swore to myself I won't be close minded as the rest of the world is.
I'm sorry you have to deal with that crap. I don't understand what it is about a particular part of this country. So proud of their past without being there...only living off of their parents' ignorance....celebrating (annually) a war against the country they claim to love so much....that they LOST.
Now you might not live in the south, but still
Fucking people. I swear, they will never learn. Skin color, Religion, Sexuality....none of it matters. But as long as it continues, the world is fucked
My parents were always a LITTLE racist to Mexican and Blacks. I don't know why. It just seems to be a never-ending war of hate between them.
Oh and my parents and Grandparents really REALLY hate the japanese... For what they did to the Chinese in WWII. Some grudges will never be fixed.
unfortunately, the japanese invasion was worse than what we did to them (the nukes)
unfortunately, the japanese invasion was worse than what we did to them (the nukes)Yea uhm
Yea uhm
Chinese guerrilla forces did much, much more to Japan than they ever could've done to any countey whatsoever.
Anyway, I suppose I'm quite lucky with my origins.
The only mention of me being Swiss in England I ever hear is "ooooh! I love your accent!".
It's amazing.
Yea uhm
Chinese guerrilla forces did much, much more to Japan than they ever could've done to any countey whatsoever.
Anyway, I suppose I'm quite lucky with my origins.
The only mention of me being Swiss in England I ever hear is "ooooh! I love your accent!".
It's amazing.
Chinese War Crimes:
in 1937 near Shanghai, the killing, torture and assault of Japanese POWs and Chinese civilians accused of collaboration, were recorded in photographs taken by Swiss businessman Tom Simmen. (In 1996, Simmen's son released the pictures, showing Nationalist Chinese soldiers involved in arbitrary executions by decapitation and shooting, as well as public torture.)
the Tungchow Mutiny of August 1937; Chinese soldiers recruited by Japan mutinied and switched sides in Tōngzhōu, Beijing, before attacking Japanese civilians and killing 280.
Nationalist troops in Hubei Province, during May 1943, ordered whole towns to evacuate and then "plundered" them; any civilians who refused and/or were unable to leave, were killed.
Total: 500-1000
Japanese War Crimes:
the Japanese military murdered from nearly 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most likely 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war. The most infamous incident during this period was the Nanking Massacre of 1937-38, when, according to the findings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the Japanese Army massacred as many as 300,000 civilians and prisoners of war, although the accepted figure is somewhere in the hundreds of thousands.
Additionally, captured allied service personnel were massacred in various incidents, including:
Laha massacre
Banka Island massacre
Parit Sulong
Palawan massacre
SS Tjisalak massacre perpetrated by Japanese submarine I-8
Wake Island massacre - See Battle of Wake Island
Bataan Death March
Human experimentation and biological warfare
Shiro Ishii, commander of Unit 731.Special Japanese military units conducted experiments on civilians and POWs in China. One of the most infamous was Unit 731 under Shirō Ishii. Victims were subjected to vivisection without anesthesia, amputations, and were used to test biological weapons, among other experiments. Anesthesia was not used because it was believed to affect results.
Total: 3,000,000 - 10,000,000
WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURESSpoiler (click to show/hide)
It sadden's me to see all this cruelty, why do we need these wars, it seems each time the human race has an opportunity, they will start a new war, either for domination, religion, race (black@white), Etc...... :(